HOT List - November 2015

This is a big month for me. I'm turning 30 on November 19th.
I'm really excited for this next decade. My 20s were great, but there were a lot of rough patches, too.
I spent 7 years trying to figure out "my thing" without anything really working. I had moments when I was riddled with self-doubt, left questioning myself, my business, everything. I was naive and thought things should happen faster. But, I'm beginning to realize as I approach this next phase that the lessons I've learned were necessary and needed, and every "detour" was an essential one to bring me to this moment. Here with you.
There were, of course, ridiculously wonderful highs both personally and professionally, as well.
I married my amazingly supportive husband, our beautiful daughter was born, and I'm now so much more confident and clear in my business. A kind of confidence that I didn't even realize existed 5 or 10 years ago.
Overnight successes rarely exist. What we don't see are the years and years of dedication, the work, the highs and the lows. Do not get down on yourself if you're not where you thought you'd be in your business or in your life at this moment in time. This moment is just that, a moment. It's fleeting. Embrace it for what it is. Be thankful for all that you have (and will have). To quote a very smart lady, Marie Forleo, "Trust the timing of your life."
Everything is unfolding just as it should. You're on the swiftest, best path for you.
As I move into this next decade, one thing I know for sure is that the more I remain in the here and now, the more I live in and am grateful for this moment, the happier I am.
And, happiness is kind of the point of it all...isn't it?
On this month's HOT List I'm sharing resources that have helped my on my journey. I hope they serve you as well.

Mindset Reset Challenge

The most powerful tool we possess is our mind.
This is something I was taught early on in life (thanks Mom and Dad!), but have come to understand on a far deeper level over the past decade.
For me personally, the most profound change in my business came when I worked on my mindsetWhen I took the time to really investigate what I was saying to myself day-in and day-out about myself, my business, my potential, and the viability of my dreams.
When I tuned into the frequency of my thoughts, I realized I was too often living in a place of worry and lack. Even though I envisioned BIG things for myself, my inner dialogue wasn't consistently aligned with that vision.
Nothing profound, impactful and world changing ever came from living in a place of fear.
I realized that if I wanted my business to flourish and truly serve people, I could not remain small. I had to own my potential and live it every day.
Resetting your mindset is a daily practice. It's not something you address once, and you're good. You need to make space in your life to actively up-level your frequency so that you start living your fullest potential TODAY, not tomorrow or someday when you "make it".
With that in mind, I've put together a free 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge starting Monday, November 16th. During this 5-day Mindset Reset, you'll receive a daily teaching or tool that will enable you to realize your fullest potential, own it and start living it.
It's my birthday gift to YOU. May it be the catalyst that changes the course of your life for good!
Join the Mindset Reset Challenge HERE.


I've gotten back into journaling lately. It's something that I've explored off and on again, and every time I come back to it, it feels like coming home.


If you have never journaled or haven't in a while, I strongly recommend you begin if you're interested in resetting your mindset to embrace the success that is YOURS for the taking.
Journaling gives you a window into your inner workings. When you transcribe your thoughts, feelings, ambitions onto paper in your own handwriting transformation can (and will) start to take place.
Especially if you're joining the Mindset Reset Challenge, I highly suggest that you get yourself a beautiful, NEW journal that you dedicate to this work of personal and professional development.

Money Affirmations

Can't wait for the Mindset Reset Challenge to kick off in a week and a half? Get a jumpstart on resetting your money mindset with 200 abundance affirmations.
I first heard about these particular affirmations from super-successful business coach, Emily Williams, founder of I Heart My Life. They're the ones she used to skyrocket her business to 6-figures in 6 months, and they're the ones I listen to as well.
Check them out here.
What we BELIEVE, we bring about. 
If you believe with unwavering faith that you'll reach your fullest potential, change lives and be extremely successful doing what you love, you will. It won't necessarily be quick or even easy, but it WILL happen. I can guarantee it.
The best investment you can possibly make is self-belief. You have everything you need to reach your dreams.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. The 5-day Mindset Reset Challenge kicks-off on Monday, November 16th. If you're ready to live your fullest potential every day, join the challenge now, and get the tools you need to make it happen!



4 Steps to Rewrite Your Rules

Did you ever have an ah-ha moment so profound that it felt like your hold world was suddenly snapped into focus?
As if before you were looking at the world through foggy goggles, and now suddenly you have perfect, 20-20 vision?
That's what happened to me when I was challenged in a training by a Success Coach to define my money rules. At first, I thought to myself, I don't really have money rules.
But then, as I sat with that question, my rules began to float to the surface...
I'm bad with money. You can't afford that. I don't like thinking about money and finances. It's hard to make money. It's challenging to find clients that are willing to pay. This will never be successful.
We ALL have rules for ourselves -- rules for our personal lives, businesses, relationships, health, spirituality, and even our personality. I could never do/say/accomplish that!
Our "rules" are the stories that we tell ourselves over and over and over again. The things we condition ourselves to believe and therefore act out and expect in our lives.
Some of these rules are conscious. Many are unconscious.
But, here's the kicker that'll bust your world wide open with possibilities.
YOU define your rules.
Throughout our lives, we gather these rules from parents, family, friends, school, society. And, I have no doubt that many of the rules you have in place for yourself serve you well. I'm guessing you have a certain standard of health and happiness that you've come to expect in your life, and since you're able to be here with me now, things are all-around pretty good.
But, I also know that if you're here with me, you're desiring something bigger, better and more profound from this one life you've got. You want to change, not only your own life, but the lives of others. You want to make a lasting mark, leave the world better than you found it and enjoy a life of success and abundance.
If your dream life is still just that, a dream. Something needs changing...and it starts with your RULES.
We honor our rules, live by them, play them out every day. For better or worse, they create our lives. So, why not define your rules in a way that starts drawing more of what you do want into your life?
We say that we're "stuck in a rut" for a reason. We're trapped in a deep groove we've cut into our subconscious through the constant repetition of a limiting rule!
So, if you want to escape that groove and get out of your rut, you have to fill it in with new rules, new ways of thinking and moving through the world.
At first it might feel like a lie or a joke, but as you redefine your rules and repeat them to yourself, they'll become your new norm. You'll start acting, thinking and speaking in accordance with your NEW rules, and your life will take shape around them.
Today, I challenge you to rewrite your rules!
STEP 1 - Define an area of your life where you're longing for change. An area where you feel stuck.
STEP 2 - Write down your current rules. The limiting story lines and beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
STEP 3 - Write down your NEW rules. (It often helps to create your new rules in direct opposition of your previous rules. For example, if you've been saying "I'll never lose these 10 pounds because I hate working out", create a new rule such as "I feel fitter and lighter every day because I LOVE moving my body!".)
STEP 4 - Repeat them DAILY! Write them on post-it notes and put them around your home, use them as bookmarks, phone backgrounds and journal about them. Surround yourself with your new rules. Start LIVING them every day. Make them your new norm.
This works. It takes time, but it works. I promise.
If you're ready to stop living small from a place of fear, worry and lack and start claiming the life your desire and deserve, this is where to start. Redefine your rules so they're in alignment with where you want to go, and you'll be setting yourself on course to get there!

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How Would You Act If You Were ALREADY Successful?...

Be honest with me.
Do you sometimes think to yourself…
I’ll do that when I’m making more money / have more clients / hire a VA / launch my first group program / etc. etc. etc.
If you’ve ever said some version of this to yourself, please know that you’re not alone.
As women entrepreneurs, we sometimes can get stuck in this place of thinking that we need to have certain level of success in order to have “permission” to do things like email an influencer, raise our prices, take a vacation or invest in ourselves or our business.
And, consequently, every time we think someday, we plant the seeds for success, prosperity and enjoyment to always be lingering just out of reach, “someday” in the future.
If you know that this is your inner dialogue at times, I have something that’ll help.
There’s this fun exercise that I like to challenge myself and my clients with, and today I’m challenging YOU in order to get you out of thinking someday and start thinking TODAY!
This is meant to be fun, but it will also give you insight into your behavior as a business owner to see if it’s holding you back from the success you desire (and deserve!).
There’s a lot of merit to “acting as if” when it comes to drawing what you want into your life, and the simple (and fun!) technique I describe in the video below will help you do just that in order to up-level your life and business and put you in touch with your truest, most authentic self.
Disclaimer: The technique I share in the video is NOT another “to-do”. It’s a lifestyle shift. A new way of LIVING so that you can move through the world in a bigger, bolder more successful way and draw that which you TRULY desire into your life instead of staying stuck where you are. If you’re ready to embrace a mindset shift that will free you of “small thinking” and make you feel like the amazing, empowered woman and entrepreneur that you are meant to be, this technique is exactly what you need.
Let me know how this technique is working for you!
Share your experience in the comments below or send me an email at hello [at] cailenascher [dot] com. I LOVE hearing from you and read everything you write.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM



Success is ALL in Your Head!

You’ve got BIG dreams for yourself. I know you do. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.
You know you’re destined to leave your mark, rise to the top of your industry, change lives and make a lot of money doing it.
Sometimes we think it’s wrong to desire a lot of money -- to want more than we have now.
We should just be grateful, right?
But I know you are grateful, and your desire to earn an amazing living doing what you love isn’t about having fist loads of cash to toss in the air and dance around in (though that might be fun!). The money is a sign. It’s a marker that you’re really changing lives and truly aligned with your purpose.
Money shows up when things are in flow -- when we trust our instincts, follow our hearts, serve our clients to the best of our ability and value ourselves.
The desires you have within you are not wrong, and they should not be ignored. They are gifts, given to you for a very precise reason. Not everyone dreams BIG and believes they can attain the vision they have for themselves and their future. But you do! And that’s amazing!
You know that those visions you have for your life and your business are a preview of coming attractions, and you want to pursue them with every fiber of your being.
Every step of the path may not be clear, but you know that someday those dreams WILL BE your reality. Plain and simple.


If you are craving change from your depths, if you are longing to evolve into your fullest, most vibrant, most successful self, if you are ready to commit to this dream of yours with everything you’ve got, now is your time. There will never be a better moment to follow your dreams than right now.
Trust that desire -- nurture it. It will serve you in this evolution.
If you’re ready to turn the corner and bring your dreams within reach, I will help you do just that.
Our time together will give you the Clarity and Confidence to boldly pursue the dreams you hold for yourself and make leaps and bounds in your business and life.
When CLARITY + CONFIDENCE come together, magic happens. The right clients find you, your business takes off, and the money arrives.
When you see someone who has a business and lifestyle you desire, don’t get jealous. Realize that seeing someone else live your dream life means it’s possible. It’s proven. It exists! And, it can be your reality too, if you’re ready for it.
If you are ready, CLICK HERE.
Maintaining the focus, drive and mindset to trust your heart and follow your dreams is tough. We get distracted, experience self-doubt and get knocked around by unexpected bumps in the road.
You need to do everything in your power to remain in the success mindset -- to feel the success that is destined to be yours right now.
On this month’s HOT LIST, I’m sharing 3 tactics I use to maintain my success mindset.


The number one thing I do to get into the success mindset is personal development.
I read books, take trainings, listen to the advice of coaches, and do my best to flush out negative thoughts and live in a space of possibility.
If you’re looking for the definitive read to up-level your success mindset, it’s time for Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
With over 70 million copies sold, this book is by far one of the most popular reads for learning how to draw money, success and happiness into your life and is the book upon which The Secret is based.
It offers step-by-step guidelines for manifesting the money you desire that have been used by the most brilliantly successful people throughout history. Instead of trying to figure this stuff out on your own, why not turn to some of these tried and true methods and give them a go?!


Maintaining a positive, inspiring, supportive social circle with like-minded entrepreneurs cannot be undervalued. In fact, Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich says that forming a Mastermind is an ESSENTIAL element of finding your path to success.
With that in mind, I’m going to be enjoying an October outing on Saturday the 10th with Jordana Jaffe and Gena Jaffe.
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Jordana is a Facebook Marketing wizard, and Gena has been called the “Marie Forleo of lawyers”, and both have made it their life’s work to help and inspire women entrepreneurs to build kick-ass businesses.
Want to join us?
Enjoy an autumn afternoon in pastoral Bucks County with me, Jordana and Gena. Claim your FREE spot here.


If we want to have amazingly successful businesses, we need to be an advocate for them, which means getting our mission + message in front of the right eyes and audiences.
Selena Soo, founder of S2 Groupe, is a PR maven and teaches savvy business owners how to make important industry connections with influencers.

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I connected with Selena through Ramit Sethi’s course, Zero to Launch, and her advice, feedback and teachings are always spot on.
She is a huge proponent of relationship building as a necessary business tool, and empowers women entrepreneurs to reach out and go for the big PR wins -- landing TV appearances, speaking gigs, event appearances, interviews and more.
As you get your business out there, you’ll feel all the more successful, which is fuel for the fire!
Her tactics for connecting with VIPs have helped me form real, lasting relationships with movers and shakers, and I know they will help you do the same. Check her out.
When it comes to building a successful business, the way you think, act and talk about your business and yourself cannot be dismissed. If you want to be successful, start acting successful, feeling successful and “thinking” successful. That is where it starts.
To quote Napoleon Hill, “All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an IDEA!”
So, my advice to you is think BIG.
When you’re ready to embrace the success that is yours, let’s talk and figure out the swiftest, most pleasurable way to do just that. No more waiting for someday. Someday is today.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. I have a new free training coming out soon to help you achieve a Mindset Reset. If you want to learn how to go from Stuck to $6K Months, sign-up here. $6K is just a thought away!

Mindset Resest