savor the moment

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may 6th marked the end of my last weekend of yogadharma (my yoga teacher training).  when i began the program back in september 2011, looking ahead at the next 9 months (15 weekends in total -- fridays 5-9, saturdays 12-6, sundays 12-6) seemed like an exciting and somewhat daunting task.  and now, being on the other side of it, it seems to have passed all too quickly.

that happens so often in our lives.  we welcome something new into our lives, and for a while, it seems that it will always be there.  and we can't imagine it any other way -- forgetting what it was like before.  and then, it draws (inevitably) to a close, and we can't believe it's over.  like the blink of an eye.  and, we often find ourselves asking: could i have savored it more?  where did the time go?

when you're in the thick of it, we can take things for granted...i know i can at least.  our lives become so busy that what was once new now seems expected, and we come to anticipate it being a part of our lives.

on our yoga mats, we're encouraged to be mindful.  to still the mind (as best we can) and sink into the present moment.  it's the only moment we've got.  instead of thinking about your to-do list, or worrying about a conversation you had earlier, you're asked to breathe, settle in, and sit with whatever comes up moment by moment.

and, the beautiful thing is, the more mindful you become, the more grateful you become for what you have in your life right now at this very moment (even if it seems like it'll be there forever, or you took it for granted before). 

choose not to let a single moment pass you by unnoticed or unappreciated.  it is a choice. 

i shared the following quote with my yoga students this past week, and i'd like to share it with you now.

"if you pay attention at every moment, you form a new relationship to time.  in some magical way, by slowing down, you become more efficient, productive, and energetic, focusing without distraction directly on the task in front of you.  not only do you become immersed in the moment, you become that moment." - michael ray

choose to be where ever you are.  be the moment.

namaste : )


om monday: perception is reality

in many ways, my yogadharma classes are reinforcing truths that i already believe, but my classes are also encouraging me to view them on a larger, more worldly scope.  we can get so wrapped up in our perception of things that we forget that it's just that...our perception.

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there's a great saying that i've long believed to be true: perception is reality.  this basic notion has been re-churned countless times, but its simple eloquence is sometimes hard to grasp.  it's sometimes hard to admit that if things are "good" or things are "bad", it's because we're perceiving them to be that way.   

sure, there are times when you could argue that almost anyone would agree with you that what you are going through is either more negative or more positive, but i'm sure we've also all experienced beautiful, sunny days when we're miserable and pissed off, as well as difficult, sad times when we've been able to share a smile or a laugh.  it's all about our perception of the situation. 

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you can choose to see the outside world as annoying, out-to-get-you and an overall unfriendly place, or you can decide (i know, it's hard) to begin to perceive things differently.  instead of reacting with your usual knee-jerk response and going to that cold, hard place, soften and try to think about a new way of looking at the things, people and experiences you encounter on a daily basis.

...and, you'll enjoy more "sunny" days for sure....

karmic connection

as many of you know (and thank you for your kind words of support & encouragement!), i started yogadharma this past weekend – my 9 month long yoga + dharma (i.e. yoga philosophy) immersion course.  i was there friday 5-9 and both saturday & sunday 12-6.  and it was fabulous. 

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already my mind is reeling with new ways of thinking about the world around me.  (like if everything really is just cause and effect – what can i do to change certain “effects” i’m experiencing in my life right now?  how do i plant karmic seeds of positive change?  and how do i feel the inner spiral of my back thigh in warrior 2 while still tucking the tailbone?!!)

the program challenges you both physically and mentally.  and i have no doubt that by the end of these next 9 months, i will be irrevocably changed for the better.
what goes around, comes around. credit {here}

many of my classmates come from north jersey, philadelphia and nyc and have quite a commute home after our long classes – i live a mere mile…if that…from the club where yogadharma is being taught.  i feel completely fortunate and privileged to be a part of it and realize i’m so lucky to have access to such life-altering teachings in my back yard. 

after this past weekend, i’m thinking karma had a little something to do with it…

so mavens, what has karmabrought into your life?
