1. build a resume -- yes, even yogis need resumes. highlight your trainings and experience -- having an organized, professional resume will instantly put you ahead of the competition.
2. get insurance -- i know, getting insurance sounds daunting and expensive (it's neither, by the way). most studios and gyms ask if you have it, and if you're thinking about teaching for companies, at schools, or in private homes, it's a must!
3. be social -- get online! the web is the ultimate equalizer, so even if you're new, but have an awesome facebook page, blog, or website, you'll be taken more seriously. plus, it will give your students (and future students) a way to connect with you! have you ever googled a restaurant only to find it had no website, and therefore decided not to go? 'nuff said.
with a little time, and very little money, you can easily start building a foundation for your yoga biz today -- and begin living your passion!!!
if you want more yoga biz advice, check out www.CALMbiz.org -- or, if you have a suggestion about what biz or social media topic you'd like to learn more about, send me your ideas at cailenascher@gmail.com.