The Only 3 Things You'll Ever Need

Ever wonder what it takes to improve your health, achieve greater happiness and live the life of your dreams?
Well, there are three principles which will help you reach all of your dreams (and they’re free!). You ready for them? Drum roll please... They are: intuition, simplicity, and beauty.

Sure, that all sounds well and good, but how do you get from here (the cave of self-consciousness, stress and dieting) to there (the land of self-appreciation, happiness and health)?

Well, these three principles will be your guides and aid you in all of your lifestyle decisions. They'll ground you and remind you what's truly important as you strive to create your best life. With intuition, simplicity and beauty as you guides you will begin to move along the path towards well-designed living.

If you trust your intuition, your innate wisdom, you will discover what you truly want in your life and what you no longer need. You will naturally begin to seek greater simplicity in both your lifestyle and home.

And, when you simplify your lifestyle and home environment, the innate beauty that was there all along begins to shine through. If you follow and trust these principles of well-designed living, I guarantee your life will become richer and more fulfilling. Not to mention, you’ll wind up taking better care of yourself, your family and your home.

Happy living : )

Cailen first published article as The Only 3 Things You'll Ever Need on Technorati..

Steps to Well-Designed Living

I've just started work on my new book! It's going to delve even further into the important aspects of "Well-Designed Living" and empower readers to design their own lives. "Well-Designed Living" is about looking at your health, happiness and home and creating a lifestyle that energizes and inspires you. Below is a simple outline to introduce to the concept of designing your life.

There are three important principles that will help and guide you as you remake your lifestyle to support happier, healthier living: intuition, simplicity and beauty.

1. Trust your intuition! First and foremost, learn to listen to your inner guide. Deep down, only we know what is truly best for us, what will deplete us and what will nurture us. Hone the invaluable skill of trusting your gut.

2. Simplify your life and home! Too often we fill our lives (and homes) with items, experiences and people that drain our energy. The act of simplification is not only cleansing for your house and your soul, it will further get you in touch with your inner guide as you learn to differentiate between things that are functional and beautiful and items that are not contributing to your life.

3. Seek beauty! As you learn to trust your intuition and simplify your lifestyle, the innate beauty of your house, your life and you, yourself will begin to shine through. Make it your goal to look for the beauty in yourself, in those around you and in all areas of your life. If you choose to seek beauty, the more fulfilling and wondrous your life will undoubtedly become.

Happy designing!.

Lifestyle Classes

Reserve your place today in
Cailen Ascher Design's lifestyle class!

Session 1 - Wellness
(Aug 18th - Sept 22nd)
discuss nutrition plans . develop fitness regimens . identify your health goals . learn what motivates you .
discover how to live your best life!
Session 2 - Home
(Oct 6th - Nov 10th)
align your home & lifestyle . learn to simplify and refine . develop a sense of beauty & function . learn to trust your design style . get insider designer tips!
$150 per 6 week session - Only $25 per class!

Tuesday Morning 10am - 11am OR Tuesday Evening 7pm - 8pm

A non-refundable deposit of $25 is requested to hold your seat.

Call 908.581.8191 or email


Beautiful or Functional?

"Homes really are no more than the people who live in them." -Nancy Reagan

At its most basic function, a home is meant to shelter you, keep you warm, and house your family. Keep this in mind as you glance around your house. How many unnecessary items do you have on your shelves, coffee table, desk, or bedside table? Clutter weighs you down and detracts from your quality of life.

In your home, you should have only things that you find either beautiful or functional...the rest is just cluttering your home (and your life). Pick one room in your home and take a garbage bag with you as you walk around and throw out (or recycle!) anything you don't need and/or don't use. Try to progress with an objective eye and attempt to see how others would view your space. What does it say about you? Do you like what your house is communicating to your friends, family, and to yourself?

We often get very attached to our "stuff", but too often we keep things because we don't know what to do with them or feel guilty about getting rid of them. It is important to realize that having something (or someone for that matter) in your life that doesn't contribute is not worth keeping. Cleanse. It will lift your spirits and leave your home looking and feeling much better.

Keep in mind that everything you eliminate from your home could potentially be put to good use in someone else's! Donate unwanted items or hold a yard sale for things that are in good condition.

*These photos show the before & after of a living room in need of some de-cluttering.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email me at
