karmic connection

as many of you know (and thank you for your kind words of support & encouragement!), i started yogadharma this past weekend – my 9 month long yoga + dharma (i.e. yoga philosophy) immersion course.  i was there friday 5-9 and both saturday & sunday 12-6.  and it was fabulous. 

credit {here}

already my mind is reeling with new ways of thinking about the world around me.  (like if everything really is just cause and effect – what can i do to change certain “effects” i’m experiencing in my life right now?  how do i plant karmic seeds of positive change?  and how do i feel the inner spiral of my back thigh in warrior 2 while still tucking the tailbone?!!)

the program challenges you both physically and mentally.  and i have no doubt that by the end of these next 9 months, i will be irrevocably changed for the better.
what goes around, comes around. credit {here}

many of my classmates come from north jersey, philadelphia and nyc and have quite a commute home after our long classes – i live a mere mile…if that…from the club where yogadharma is being taught.  i feel completely fortunate and privileged to be a part of it and realize i’m so lucky to have access to such life-altering teachings in my back yard. 

after this past weekend, i’m thinking karma had a little something to do with it…

so mavens, what has karmabrought into your life?
