I cannot wait!
How Would You Act If You Were ALREADY Successful?...
Be honest with me.
Do you sometimes think to yourself…
I’ll do that when I’m making more money / have more clients / hire a VA / launch my first group program / etc. etc. etc.
If you’ve ever said some version of this to yourself, please know that you’re not alone.
As women entrepreneurs, we sometimes can get stuck in this place of thinking that we need to have certain level of success in order to have “permission” to do things like email an influencer, raise our prices, take a vacation or invest in ourselves or our business.
And, consequently, every time we think someday, we plant the seeds for success, prosperity and enjoyment to always be lingering just out of reach, “someday” in the future.
If you know that this is your inner dialogue at times, I have something that’ll help.
There’s this fun exercise that I like to challenge myself and my clients with, and today I’m challenging YOU in order to get you out of thinking someday and start thinking TODAY!
This is meant to be fun, but it will also give you insight into your behavior as a business owner to see if it’s holding you back from the success you desire (and deserve!).
There’s a lot of merit to “acting as if” when it comes to drawing what you want into your life, and the simple (and fun!) technique I describe in the video below will help you do just that in order to up-level your life and business and put you in touch with your truest, most authentic self.
Disclaimer: The technique I share in the video is NOT another “to-do”. It’s a lifestyle shift. A new way of LIVING so that you can move through the world in a bigger, bolder more successful way and draw that which you TRULY desire into your life instead of staying stuck where you are. If you’re ready to embrace a mindset shift that will free you of “small thinking” and make you feel like the amazing, empowered woman and entrepreneur that you are meant to be, this technique is exactly what you need.
Let me know how this technique is working for you!
Share your experience in the comments below or send me an email at hello [at] cailenascher [dot] com. I LOVE hearing from you and read everything you write.

how to deal when you're "not where you should be" in your life+biz
this past weekend, my husband and i (and our baby daughter) visited with friends at their gorgeous, fully remodeled home.
as we chatted and exchanged new parent stories, there was a little voice in the back of my head saying "omgosh -- this place is huge! and they have a brand new kitchen! what did they think when they visited our place mid-renovation a few months back?"
i was simultaneously happy for them and also a little jealous, coveting the "posh" lifestyle they seemed to be living, marble countertops and all.
to top it all off, the thing that has afforded them this fortune is an entrepreneurial venture gone very, very right. and somehow that was a little like salt in the wound. and the nagging voice in my head went on to question, "what am i doing wrong that i'm not 'killing' it in my biz?"
as human beings on planet earth, we're confronted with situations like this every day...
the yogi on the next mat who is gracefully holding a pose that you can't even fathom getting into.
the mom at the playground who is perfectly coiffed and effortlessly handling her polite children as yours run rampant.
the entrepreneur who seems to have it all figured out as you struggle to make ends meet.
but, the truth is, we NEVER know anyone's full story. even those we're closest to have countless things that they're dealing with that we're totally unaware of.
when we gaze in from the outside, everything looks perfectly in place -- rose colored. but if we dig a little deeper, we realize that everyone has "stuff" they're dealing with.
everyone has bad days, weeks or even months. and, if you look really closely, i'm guessing you wouldn't trade places with anyone, not even if they have new designer furniture in every room.
in this week's teaching, i'm sharing 4 strategies that'll help you deal with that uncomfortable restlessness that arises when you find yourself thinking "i'm not where i should be in my life+biz".
is this something that you deal with or have dealt with in the past? share your experience in the comments below. i LOVE hearing from you + ready everything you write!