
Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Today I’m offering you a very rare opportunity…

A chance to look into your bright & brilliant future.

So, how can I know what the future holds for you?

Well, to be truthful, I can’t exactly. There are a ton of factors at play, and nobody can truly know what the future holds.

But, what I can do is give you a before & after look at my own journey.

And, if you see yourself in my “before”, then my “after” can be yours as well!

Wondering If You'll Ever Get There?

Two weeks ago, I attended a small mastermind event in NYC led by Emily Williams. (In case you're unfamiliar, Emily is a powerhouse in the coaching industry, so I knew this would be a transformational experience.)
As I looked around the small group of 10 (which included special guests Selena Soo & Kimra Luna), a common theme became evident...ALL of these women, no matter how successful, didn't feel "satisfied".
And, I began to realize that hunger that we have to do more, be more, give more won't ever be fully satisfied -- and that's OK! That's a GOOD THING!
It's in the process of creating our lives and businesses that we're fully living, not in the end result.
So, if you ever find yourself asking, "Will I ever get there?"...celebrate! It means that you're on a quest to develop into the best, happiest, most abundant you that you can possibly be!
And, when you do get "there", I can guarantee there's going to be a new idea/goal/vision further down the line that is pulling you forward. The evolution is continuous. Embrace it.

That's what life's all about.

As I sat in our intimate suite at The Plaza, sipping tea with a view of Manhattan from the 16th floor, I was elated. I was inspired. I was so very happy. But, I wasn't satisfied. If anything, the experience left me with a feeling of even greater anticipation and excitement for things to come.

It'll never get done. It's not supposed to. Life is just the continually unveiling of you & ALL that you're meant to be.

With love,

Some images provided by I Heart My Life.

Harness The Power of Community for Lasting Change

There is a special kind of magic that occurs when people come together with a common goal.
There’s an undeniable energy that is generated when passionate, visionary people embark on parallel journeys.
There’s a reason why masterminds are so effective, why teams can rally together to win championships, and why motivated groups of people can start a revolution.
There is power in numbers.
I want to harness that power to help YOU build the business of your dreams!
And, THAT is precisely why I’m hosting the *free* Mindset Reset Challenge.
Mindset Reset Banner This is a 5-day challenge to help you start living your fullest potential in community with others who are ready to do the same.
During the Mindset Reset Challenge, I’ll be sharing my favorite teachings and tools for resetting your mindset in order to realize your fullest potential, own it and live it every day in your life and business.
So, if you’re struggling to make money doing what you love;
If your business feels like a lot of work, but you aren’t seeing the results you desire;
If the clients aren’t there, and you don’t know where to find them;
If you feel stuck, unsure, stressed, frustrated or unmotivated…
This challenge is FOR YOU.
Starting Monday, November 16th, I’ll be sharing a short, actionable teaching that will help you embrace a successful mindset and live in a place of potential, possibility and action.
I guarantee that this challenge is unlike other business challenges you’ve seen out there.
I’m not going to share list building gimmicks, Facebook ad tips or email marketing techniques. There are countless freebies out there that’ll teach out all that stuff.
This 5-day event is about tapping into your innate potential, embracing the success that is destined to be YOURS, aligning with your purpose and becoming unstoppable so that all that you already know and the work you’re doing becomes more effortless and more effective!
If that sounds like a YES! to you, I invite you to join me for this 5-day journey.
Join the Mindset Reset Challenge HERE. 
If you’re not getting the results you desire in your business, and if you’re questioning your ability to truly live the life you desire, it’s time for a change.
When you're hungry for change, there's a fire in you. Capitalize on that! That fire won't be there forever. Fires burn out.
There is no better time that right NOW to start out on a different course. Pave a different path. Align with your potential and LIVE it every day.
You are meant for something BIG. There’s no denying it. And now is the time to own your potential once and for all. Turn the corner. Embrace your inevitable success and live it every day.
I’ll be there as your coach to support you every step of the way, and you’ll also have the invaluable support of the entire Mindset Reset crew (your dream team!) in our personal Facebook Group.
Click HERE to join the Mindset Reset Challenge, and we’ll get started on Monday. 
I cannot wait! xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM

biz: my afternoon with the girl scouts

a few weeks ago, i was invited to speak to a local girl scout troop all about media.  so, we gathered on a rainy friday afternoon to talk about blogging, websites, social media, and more, and then we worked together to cook up one of the healthy recipes from my blog -- a vegan chili that they then donated to two local families in need.  all-in-all we had a great time, and i think they learned something, too! here are a few images from my afternoon with troop 21788...

thanks for a great afternoon, girls!

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