
Confession: I never wanted to be an entrepreneur

Confession: I never wanted to be an entrepreneur

Confession: “I never knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur.” - Jennah Lear, branding designer Jennah Lear is a branding designer and the owner of Blue Loui Studio. She works with women business owners and entrepreneurs to design stunning yet functional websites that showcase the best versions of themselves, their businesses and ultimately increase their bottom line.

And, in her Clarity Confession, Jennah open-heartedly shares what it takes to become (and stick with being) an entrepreneur.

She’s honest, totally relatable and offers a ton of great advice for any aspiring or struggling entrepreneur who questions whether or not they’ll ever “make it”.

Tune into this month’s Clarity Confession with Jennah to learn...

My Top 4 Favorite Money Mindset Books

Listen to me read this blog post here:

Success doesn’t happen by accident. It grows from a vivid vision, an inspired plan of action and a rock-solid mindset.Over my 8 or so years of entrepreneurial business-building, I’ve come to realize that the visioning and planning (the efforting!) will only take you so far. Then, you’ll hit a block, a ceiling, a limitation.I remember saying to myself, “I’m doing all the right stuff. I’m taking all the right steps. Why isn’t this working?!”Perhaps you can relate.You feel like you’re efforting. A lot. You’re putting in the time, the work, the energy, but something is still blocking you from the success you’re after.What exactly is blocking you?My guess is…YOU! (That was the case for me.)More precisely, my mindset.More specific still, my money mindset.I thought I could effort, stress and worry my way to success.Not so, my friend.The journey has to align with the destination, and when I realized that -- and started practicing that deliberately -- everything changed. Fast.I went from making just $22.50 in July of 2015 to bringing in over $23K in February 2016 alone.What changed?My money mindset.I realized that if I wanted to catapult my business to the next level, I needed to radically expand my money mindset. I could feel it was holding me back.(If you’re wondering if your money mindset is standing in your way, you can uncover your Money Story here.)So, how did I do that? I recommitted to my daily meditation practice. I invested in coaching. I journaled. I worked through a money mindset course. (FYI I’m creating a self-study course to help you expand your Money Mindset. If you’d like me to let you know when it’s ready, get on the waitlist here.) I used affirmations. I listened to guided meditations, inspiring teachings + self-hypnosis. And, I read books to expand my wealth consciousness.These were the things that made the difference for me. Perhaps some (or all) could shift things for you.The most important thing to realize is to keep looking/testing/trying/practicing until you find the combo that feels good for you.That is what we’re after here: you feeling good about money more and more often.As promised, below is the list of 4 of the books that helped me the most to expand my Money Mindset. I hope they help you too.Leveraging the Universe by Mike Dooley Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles How Rich People Think by Steve SieboldBig Announcement: I have something really exciting in the works right now! I’m developing a self-study course to help you expand your Money Mindset, identify and clear your Money Blocks and set yourself up to Make More Money than ever before. It’s not quite ready yet, but if you’d like me to let you know when it is, you can get on the waitlist here.Sending love,

P.S. Want to clear your money blocks & make more $$$ than ever before? I’m putting together a brand new course to help you expand your Money Mindset. If you’d like me to let you know when it’s ready, get on the waitlist here.P.P.S. Business Clarity Boost starts Monday!!! If you want unlimited access to hundreds of dollars worth of business building tools from leading experts for FREE, join here!

Uncover Your Money Story

Listen to me read this blog post here: 

Do you know that you have a Money Story?

It’s the unique way that you think about, relate to, and deal with money.

And, that Money Story is dictating everything from the number in your bank account to the price point you charge clients to how you feel about spending money on yourself.

When we allow our negative thought patterns about money affect us, it can become nearly impossible for our bank accounts to grow. Business feels like a lot of effort, and we feel at odds with our desires.

Now, you may be thinking, “I don’t know if I even have a money story”. (I get it, that’s kind of how I felt the first time a coach of mine brought it up.) But, I encourage you to remain open to this idea -- for me, it was a true game changer in my business (and life for that matter).

Let’s start here. Do you ever think to yourself?...

I have to worry about money.

Making money is hard.

I can’t buy that -- it’s too expensive.

I’m bad with money.

Money is stressful!

If you’re repeating thoughts like the ones I’ve listed above, you’re basically reaffirming to yourself again and again exactly what you DO NOT want.

You’re essentially doing a 24/7 mantra meditation for money lack.

Hear this: Money is neither good nor bad. Positive nor negative. We bring the emotion into the equation. So, that means, you get to choose how you relate to money! Your perception of money dictates your money reality.

Now, I get it, making money can feel like a challenge until we clear our money blocks. And, that starts with noticing your Money Story -- your “go-to” thoughts, actions, reactions, beliefs, and emotions around money.

When you bring more awareness into the equation, change is just around the corner. I promise.

Don’t let your financial life coast on autopilot, just hoping it will get better. It won’t, unless you plant the seeds for change.

If you want things to shift, you first have to take an honest look at where you’re starting from.

(Side note: This is NOT about getting down on yourself for having a negative Money Story -- that wouldn’t solve anything! This is about shining some light on the issue, and realizing that you don’t have to continue moving through the world with the same “money baggage” if you don’t want to!)

Once you clearly see the negative thought patterns you’ve been locked into, you can choose new ways of thinking and behaving that better reflect how you want to view and interact with money.

Live life deliberately, not by default. Starting now.

With love, P.S. Want hundreds of dollars of FREE tools from business building experts?Join the Business Clarity Boost waitlist here & be the first in line when the doors open May 16th.

Confession: I nearly filed for bankruptcy my first year in business!

Confession: “I nearly filed for bankruptcy my first year in business.” - Gena Shingle Jaffe, sparkly lawyer for women entrepreneursGenavieve Shingle Jaffe is my dear (real life!) friend here to help you cover your beautiful business booty with legit legal protection. She runs a law practice, Genavieve Shingle Law, and is the co-creator of the on-line legal course, Damsel goes bare™, where she educates and empowers female entrepreneurs with the legal side of their business.  

Her branding is completely authentic - how many other lawyers out there are branded with sparkles, unicorns and openly discuss depression?? Even her business motto is "Transparency is the new black."  

Gena is a sweetheart, and I know you’ll not only fall in love with her, but how she makes the law (often such an uncomfortable and foreign topic) totally relatable and dare-I-say enjoyable!

Dive into this month’s Clarity Confession with Gena to learn...

  • The rollercoaster ride that was her first year in business (she made 6-figures, spent 6-figures and nearly filed for bankruptcy)
  • Every thing is both a lesson + a blessing
  • The 3 things you NEED on your website to protect yourself

Listen to Gena’s Clarity Confession now.

If you enjoyed Gena’s awesome Clarity Confession, you can learn even more from her here. She’s put together an outstanding, FREE video series just for women entrepreneurs that covers exactly how you can protect you, your biz and have fun the process!

With love, Cailen

P.S. Gena is such a giver! She put together a top-notch FREE training just for women entrepreneurs who want to protect themselves + their businesses here.

She’s so awesome :-)