
Confession: I never wanted to be an entrepreneur

Confession: I never wanted to be an entrepreneur

Confession: “I never knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur.” - Jennah Lear, branding designer Jennah Lear is a branding designer and the owner of Blue Loui Studio. She works with women business owners and entrepreneurs to design stunning yet functional websites that showcase the best versions of themselves, their businesses and ultimately increase their bottom line.

And, in her Clarity Confession, Jennah open-heartedly shares what it takes to become (and stick with being) an entrepreneur.

She’s honest, totally relatable and offers a ton of great advice for any aspiring or struggling entrepreneur who questions whether or not they’ll ever “make it”.

Tune into this month’s Clarity Confession with Jennah to learn...

Building a Business is Like a Great Meal {+ super exciting announcement!}

Happy Wednesday! {exciting announcement below} The other day, a thought struck me: building a business is like a great meal. It's about the enjoyment of the unfolding, not getting to the end.

808Ok, so let me explain...

If you're anything like me (and I think you might just be), you're constantly feeling like there's another level of success, business achievement or clarity to get to.

No matter how far you've come or how much you've accomplished, there's still a hunger. A desire for more. For better. For bigger.

The desire, though it undoubtedly serves you (high-achiever that you are), it can be a double-edged sword.

Yes, it calls you to play bigger, put yourself out there, keep going. But, if you don't watch out, it could leave you feeling constantly anxious to get "there" and totally unsatisfied here and now.

But, if I were to ask you, what's the point of a great meal?

It's about the enjoying of the meal -- the journey -- right?! It's not about getting to the end! (This concept really hit home with me because delicious date nights are one of my greatest pleasures in life. Give me tasty tapas + uncork some wine, and I'm a happy girl!)

Same goes for your business. The beauty, the enjoyment, the pleasure is in the day-to-day unfolding. The becoming of who you're meant to be.

It's not just about getting "there". Besides, when you do get "there", because you will -- you're too determined not to -- there's going to be a new place you've got your sights set on further down the road. It's just how it goes!

I'm realizing this in a big way right now as I work with an amazingly talented designer to totally revamp Sure, I'm super excited to see how the final result comes together, but I am just so freakin' thrilled about the whole process. I'm savoring it, and loving every minute of it!

To see the entire "Website Inspiration" Pinterest Board I created for my designer,

click here.

So, the next time you find yourself wishing time away because you're so very hungry to get "there", remember the most pleasure you'll ever get from a great meal is in those delicious bites along the way.

Don't rush through it! Savor.



With love,

**Super special announcement**

I'm so excited to share this big news with you! is getting a brand new look. I'm working with Hello Big Idea to completely revamp the look of the site, and make it the visual and experiential equivalent of Clarity.

Click here to see the "Website Inspiration" Pinterest Board I created for my designer.

My Favorite Design Tools to Build Your Best Yoga Website

i've been hearing from many of you in the CALM biz community that you definitely recognize the need to have a website, virtual products and even offer services (like coaching, meditation, etc.) online. awesome! bravo!
but clarity is different than action, right?
recognizing the need for having an online presence and actually creating one that you're proud of and "looks" like you is another story.
if you don't yet have a website. or, if you have website shame; meaning that your website looks and functions like it was built in 1995, then, my friend, it is time for some changes!
but, does the thought of overhauling or building your website have you running for the hills?
i get it.
creating a website or rebranding your online look can seem like a BIG & overwhelming project. (trust me, i'm going through this myself right now, which means CALM biz is getting an whole new online look & feel -- get excited!) but, it's also a worthwhile one.
{if you're uncertain if your website needs a facelift, check out THIS QUIZ to discover if it's time for a virtual overhaul.}
BIG projects, when you break them down into bite-sized pieces, are just a series of small projects that result in something wonderful {click to tweet}.
last week you took THIS QUIZ to discover if it's time to rework your website.
this week, i'm sharing my favorite website-building & design tools to help you create a website that looks & feels like you and your brand (for very little money!).

want some feedback on your website? post a link to your website below & i'd be happy to pop by for a visit :-)

here's a list of the resources I covered in the video:
google docs
pic monkey

QUIZ: do i need a new website?

new website quizdo you have website shame?
you know what i mean...
do you hesitate to send people to your site because it's outdated?
or do you apologize for its lack of functionality or clunky graphics?
does it look like it was built before the 21st century?
don't be ashamed of your website shame! it's actually a very common thing.
even the most beautifully constructed sites will one day look "outdated" if they hang around long enough. and as our businesses and brands grow, it's only natural to outgrow your site!
first and foremost, congratulate yourself for recognizing the need to have a website. it gives you the ability to reach and teach people on a GLOBAL level. but, if you're hesitant to send people to your online hub because it's not an accurate reflection of you, your teaching or your brand, then it's not doing you any good!
wondering if it's time for a new look and feel for your site?
check out this quiz below.
QUIZ: Do I Need a New Website?
Round 1
1. Do you hesitate to send people to your website?
2. Do you ever apologize about the look or functionality of your site?
3. Are you tired of the look/colors/graphics?
4. Do you think it no longer "looks" like you or your brand?
5. Do you have outdated content? (i.e. blog hasn't been updated in 3+ months or write-ups about old events)
total your number of "yeses" to the first set of questions.
# of round 1 yeses: _____
Round 2
1. Can people sign-up for your email list on your homepage?
2. Can people buy your products/services/offerings directly from your site?
3. Do you regularly update your blog with valuable content for your ideal students?
total your number of "yeses" to the 2nd set of questions.
# of round 2 yeses:_____
find out your score:
now, subtract the number of "yeses" from round 2 from the number of "yeses" you had in round 1.
{Round 1 - Round 2 = Final Score}
here's what your final score means:
0 = way to go, yogi! your website rocks!!
1-2 = no need for an immediate change, but daydreaming about a rebrand could be fun
3-4 = it's time to plan a facelift! look at other sites for inspiration and work on a rebrand timeline
5 = your website is holding you back. it's time to rework it. (don't know where to start? in next week's post i'll be sharing my favorite design tools to build your best yoga website ever!)

share your score in the comments below & post a link to your website.

i'd love to check it out and maybe offer you a few tips :-)