
The REAL Meaning of Clarity + How to Find It

I’m calling myself out here. I know that I talk about “finding Clarity” a lot.

Clarity about what you want your life + business to look like.
Clarity about what success on your terms feels like.
Clarity about what inspired action steps to take next to move you forward.

I also know that having the pressure of “finding Clarity” resting on your shoulders can be crushing. So, I want to clarify ::wink wink:: with you today is what I really mean when I say it’s important to “find Clarity” and how you can find the Clarity you need right now.

First off, it's all Clarity. The good. The bad. The wins. The losses. The super high-highs. And the super low-lows. Whether the step you took was a huge success or a difficult learning experience, it's all Clarifying. (If something totally wasn’t what you expected, at least you clearly know what you don’t want now!)

Everything (yes, everything!) you do/think/create/say/become/try is moving you in the right direction to a clearer place of deeper understanding of who you truly are and what you truly want to create, offer and deliver into the world.

Clarity isn't a fixed destination. It's a journey. 

And it can be found one decision at a time. One small baby step at time. Clarity is uncovered through action.

Clarity isn’t about quantum leaps (most of the time at least), it’s about small decisions made every day that move you in the right direction.

Show up. Do your work. Share it with the people who need it. Repeat.

You don't need to see the whole plan and know every single twist and turn along the way (if we knew that, we might never take the leap!). Just take the next step, and trust it's all unfolding just as it should....because it is. Always.

Confession: My health issue turned out to be my best asset!

Confession: “My health issue turned out to be the best asset for my business.”
- Caitlin Padgett, Author + Coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol

Meet Caitlin Padgett. She’s one of those brave souls who transformed her biggest struggle into her greatest triumph, and she’s here today on The Clarity Confessions to undoubtedly inspire you to look at your own journey with a new perspective: how could my struggles help someone else?

Caitlin’s the author of Drink Less Be More: How to Have a Great Night (and Life!) without Getting Wasted and coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol. Whether the goal is moderation or eliminating alcohol completely, Caitlin supports women to find freedom, on their own terms.

At 29 years old, Caitlin’s work-hard, play-hard lifestyle started taking its toll on her. She realized she was drinking herself to sleep almost every night and blacking out every weekend. Wanting alternatives to mainstream treatment, Caitlin combined her background in psychology, nutrition, fitness, harm reduction and holistic health to craft an unconventional approach that is now helping countless women find their own healthy relationship with alcohol and reclaim their lives.


Tune into Caitlin’s Clarity Confession to learn…

  • How to gain ultimate freedom in your life

  • Where limitations and constraints really come from

  • How a health issue turned out to the best asset for her new business

  • Her best daily habits for writing a book (she wrote a book in the 2nd year of business!)

  • Why vulnerability is POWERFUL and how to embrace it

  • If you’re looking for it, wanting it, desiring it, others are too!

After you listen to Caitlin’s beautiful Clarity Confession, you can connect with her, and grab her free teaching, “How to Drink Less Successfully”, at

P.S. Ready to be truly FREE from the inside out? I’m collaborating with 25+ other inspiring experts in the Ticket to Freedom Summit to empower you with the guidance and necessary tools to launch or grow your soul-fueled business using the power of your mind, emotions and energy along with proven strategies for success on your terms. Get ready to let go of limiting beliefs and experience a paradigm shift. Join this amazing FREE event here.  

Confession: I didn’t make ANY money my first year in business...

Confession: “I didn’t make ANY money my first year in business.” 
- Jenn Scalia, Visibility Strategist & 7-figure business owner

The first year in business is always the hardest. It was for me, and it definitely was for my friend and business colleague, Jenn Scalia. Though today Jenn is a big-time success with a 7-figure business, that wasn’t always the case. It was slow-going in the beginning, and she openly and honestly shares what it really took for her to turn that broke first year into a booming business serving 1000s.

In case you don’t know her yet, Jenn is a visibility strategist for entrepreneurs who want to make an impact. She’s a self-professed introvert and single mom who went from rock-bottom to creating a 7-figure business within 3 years. 

Beyond that, she’s an immensely talented coach and savvy business woman who I’ve personally had the pleasure of working with, which is precisely why I wanted to bring her expertise to you today!


When you listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession, you’ll soon discover…

  • Why getting fired (2 times in 2 years) was one of the BEST things that’s ever happened to her
  • What the “ripple effect” is and how that drives everything she does 
  • What you need to do RIGHT NOW if you’re struggling in your business that will turn everything around immediately 
  • Why hiring a coach was the primary catalyst for her success (even though she didn’t have the money for it!)
  • Why so many entrepreneurs leave “money on the table” and how to find the hidden money in your business

At the end of our conversation, Jenn and I invite you to try a simple activity that will instantly transform your business. Want to know what that is? Listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession now to find out.

After you listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession, you can find all the free goodies she mentioned including a guide which shares 26 Ways to Be More Visible and Crush It Online here. 

Love The Clarity Confessions & hearing the success stories (and secrets) of women entrepreneurs?! Then, you’ll definitely want to join The Clarity Crew, the private Facebook Group where we gather for conversation, inspiration and support between shows :-) Join here.

The MOST Important Question to Ask Yourself About Success


You’re a big-thinker. It’s why you’re here.

You want success. So do I.

You deserve success. We all do.

You picture your success. I know you do, because I picture mine too. All the time.

For me, the BIG vision encompasses...

  • A custom-designed home that my husband and I build together
  • A thriving business serving MILLIONS
  • Plenty of time, money & energy for family, friends, travel, new experiences, and things we love and would enjoy

Perhaps yours looks somewhat similar. Perhaps not.

So, let me share a few more nuances to really give you the flavor of my version of success.

More specifically, my success includes…

  • A home yoga & meditation studio with a big picture window overlooking our sprawling backyard
  • A beautiful home office with clean white walls, wide-open desk for creating, and state-of-the-art audio recording equipment (more on this in the near future ::wink wink::)
  • A large kitchen with long marble-topped island and sitting area with fireplace
  • Traveling for weeks-on-end to far-off places and experiencing new cultures, great food and unplugged time with loved ones
  • A gorgeous virtual hub (read NEW website!) that is breathtaking & elegant and delivers Clarity to everyone who visits
  • Book deal. (‘nuff said)

That’s my version of success. When I picture it, it makes me happy. Ridiculously happy. Like smiling ear-to-ear kind of happy. And, perhaps elements of it even spoke to you too.

But, success is very personal.When you start fleshing out the nuances, yours will likely look VERY different from mine. And that’s GOOD! That’s how it’s supposed to be.

There is no one version of success that is right for everyone. It varies person to person. It’s like a fingerprint. Your DNA. It’s one-of-a-kind and completely unique. As are you :-)

Yet, I see far too many women not taking the time to truly discover what success means to them. (Not to their mom, friend, sister, mentor, neighbor.)

You think success NEEDS to include a 7-figure business, a jet-setting lifestyle and luxury brands. And, for you, it may. Or it may not. There is no right or wrong.

The only thingyour version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours.

[Tweet "The only thing your version of success needs to be is totally, utterly and unapologetically yours. #DoseofClarity @cailenascher"][Click to tweet this #DoseOfClarity]

It can look however you want it to and be as grand or as simple as you like.  

Your success is just that, yours.

Here’s what I’d love for you to do...

Take a minute (seriously, just 60 seconds, right now. Set your phone timer if you need to) to visualize what yoursuccess looks like. You’ll know you’re zeroing in on the right elements for you when you feel pure excitement.

Now that you’ve done that, it’s time for the MOST important question you can possibly ask yourself about your success.

It’s one that I ask all of the women I work with, and I’m going to ask it of you now:

What does success feel like?

Look underneath the income, behind the home, inside the business.

What does it FEEL like there?

Is it bold and brilliant? Quiet and contemplative? Harmonious and happy?

Does it feel like peace or love? Or excitement and adventure? Do you feel generous, prosperous or abundant -- or all three?

Mine out the feelings of your success.

Because...the journey has to align with the destination.

If for you success feels like ease, joy and abundance, you CANNOT get there by feeling rushed, worried and overwhelmed. It simply will not happen.

So, here’s the plan. Super simple.

Focus on the way success feels and do more things that make you feel that way.

Hold yourself to this lovely new commitment by sharing what success feels like for you with the rest of The Clarity Crew in our private FB group. 

Remember: The journey has to align with the destination.

With love, Cailen