
Confession: I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business

Confession: I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business

Confession: “I made 6-figures in my first 6 months of business.” - Jennifer Jayde, Dream Business Coach

I first met Jen a few months ago at an amazing mastermind event at The Plaza in New York City. We instantly hit it off (as I’m sure you’ll be able to tell from our conversation!), and I knew she would have so much to bring to The Clarity Confessions. 

So, without further ado, here she is!

Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Here is a Glimpse into Your Future

Today I’m offering you a very rare opportunity…

A chance to look into your bright & brilliant future.

So, how can I know what the future holds for you?

Well, to be truthful, I can’t exactly. There are a ton of factors at play, and nobody can truly know what the future holds.

But, what I can do is give you a before & after look at my own journey.

And, if you see yourself in my “before”, then my “after” can be yours as well!

5 Things That DID Work When Building My Business

5 Things That DID Work When Building My Business

Last week, I shared 6 things that DIDN'T work when building my business.

Today, we’re going to turn the tables and focus on the stuff that did work...really, really well.

This is all about streamlining. It’s about getting the Business Clarity you need to focus on what works, let go of what doesn’t and therefore fast-track your business expansion.

When we streamline, we gain momentum.

6 Things That DIDN’T Work When Building My Business

6 Things That DIDN’T Work When Building My Business

There is a lot of work that goes into building, running and growing a successful, feel-good business. Believe me, I know. I’ve been on an 8 year entrepreneurial journey to where I am today in my business.

I’ll admit, I’ve done a lot of things right -- things that saved me time, delivered BIG wins and resulted in amazing business growth (I’ll be sharing those next week!) -- but I also did a lot of stuff that didn’t work so well. Things that slowed me down, wasted my time and had little (or negative) impact on my business.

We’re often only told what we should be doing. We get item after item that we need to add to our business “to-do” list.

Today, I’m going to share with you the 6 things that DIDN’T work when building my business...