Confession: I didn’t make ANY money my first year in business...

Confession: “I didn’t make ANY money my first year in business.” 
- Jenn Scalia, Visibility Strategist & 7-figure business owner

The first year in business is always the hardest. It was for me, and it definitely was for my friend and business colleague, Jenn Scalia. Though today Jenn is a big-time success with a 7-figure business, that wasn’t always the case. It was slow-going in the beginning, and she openly and honestly shares what it really took for her to turn that broke first year into a booming business serving 1000s.

In case you don’t know her yet, Jenn is a visibility strategist for entrepreneurs who want to make an impact. She’s a self-professed introvert and single mom who went from rock-bottom to creating a 7-figure business within 3 years. 

Beyond that, she’s an immensely talented coach and savvy business woman who I’ve personally had the pleasure of working with, which is precisely why I wanted to bring her expertise to you today!


When you listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession, you’ll soon discover…

  • Why getting fired (2 times in 2 years) was one of the BEST things that’s ever happened to her
  • What the “ripple effect” is and how that drives everything she does 
  • What you need to do RIGHT NOW if you’re struggling in your business that will turn everything around immediately 
  • Why hiring a coach was the primary catalyst for her success (even though she didn’t have the money for it!)
  • Why so many entrepreneurs leave “money on the table” and how to find the hidden money in your business

At the end of our conversation, Jenn and I invite you to try a simple activity that will instantly transform your business. Want to know what that is? Listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession now to find out.

After you listen to Jenn’s Clarity Confession, you can find all the free goodies she mentioned including a guide which shares 26 Ways to Be More Visible and Crush It Online here. 

Love The Clarity Confessions & hearing the success stories (and secrets) of women entrepreneurs?! Then, you’ll definitely want to join The Clarity Crew, the private Facebook Group where we gather for conversation, inspiration and support between shows :-) Join here.