
A Prayer for Soulful Expansion

Sometimes the very best thing we can do is nothing at all.

Instead of pushing, striving, efforting -- instead of “making things happen” -- we need to step back and allow them to occur as they need to. 

When we are in control-mode, we are completely blocking the flow. We are getting in the way. We are messing things up that would otherwise unfold easily.

This is a lesson I’ve needed to learn again and again and again in my life. (Anyone else out there feel me on this one?...)

In the not-too-distant past, I’ll admit, my default mode was pushing to get more clients, striving to make more money, efforting to succeed feels, trying to be a “good” mom and wife, struggling to feel at peace with myself. And, it feels terrible. It sucks the joy out of not just my business, but my life in general.

But, in those lucid moments of Clarity when I am able to see the bigger picture of how things really work, I then show up with a full heart and the faith that the right opportunities, people and circumstances will unfold. And, every single time, they do.

Sure, they might not look exactly as I had pictured in my controlling ego-mind, but, most of the time, they’re even better for everyone involved. Ease galore. Hustle no more.

If you’re anything like me and too often find yourself stuck in “do” mode instead of “allow” mode, I offer you this: A Prayer for Soulful Expansion. (This prayer, if you want to call it that, has been sitting in the notes app on my phone since January. I figured it was time to share it with you :-)

Repeat these words to yourself -- silently or aloud -- and allow their TRUTH to wash over you, bring you relief and reinforce your faith that everything really is working out just as it’s supposed to for you. Always.

A Prayer for Soulful Expansion

I release my Soulful Expansion over to the all-knowing Universe.
I have Faith in my everlasting and ever-present Connection to guidance.
I Trust that if I honor the calm, steady voice within, a path of Divine Simplicity will reveal itself and lead me towards fulfillment, abundance and joy on all planes.
The dreams and visions I hold for myself were given to me -- and me alone -- for a reason. They are an integral part of my expansion, and the Universe holds them as dearly as I do.
So now, I step aside, and let Universal intelligence lead the way.
Amen. Om Shanti. Let it be so. 

::sigh of relief::


That’s it. Hand it off. Trust. Allow. Expand. (Repeat.)

There’s nothing you have to do. Nothing you have to “make happen”. Nothing you have to push into existence. Nothing you have to control, manipulate or manage. It’s ALL taken care of for you -- if you allow it.

My hope for you, my friend, is that you, too, begin to experiment with doing less and allowing (and enjoying!) more. 

There is unbelievable support backing you. Universal support. There is no need to figure it all out yourself. ::exhale::

The REAL Meaning of Clarity + How to Find It

I’m calling myself out here. I know that I talk about “finding Clarity” a lot.

Clarity about what you want your life + business to look like.
Clarity about what success on your terms feels like.
Clarity about what inspired action steps to take next to move you forward.

I also know that having the pressure of “finding Clarity” resting on your shoulders can be crushing. So, I want to clarify ::wink wink:: with you today is what I really mean when I say it’s important to “find Clarity” and how you can find the Clarity you need right now.

First off, it's all Clarity. The good. The bad. The wins. The losses. The super high-highs. And the super low-lows. Whether the step you took was a huge success or a difficult learning experience, it's all Clarifying. (If something totally wasn’t what you expected, at least you clearly know what you don’t want now!)

Everything (yes, everything!) you do/think/create/say/become/try is moving you in the right direction to a clearer place of deeper understanding of who you truly are and what you truly want to create, offer and deliver into the world.

Clarity isn't a fixed destination. It's a journey. 

And it can be found one decision at a time. One small baby step at time. Clarity is uncovered through action.

Clarity isn’t about quantum leaps (most of the time at least), it’s about small decisions made every day that move you in the right direction.

Show up. Do your work. Share it with the people who need it. Repeat.

You don't need to see the whole plan and know every single twist and turn along the way (if we knew that, we might never take the leap!). Just take the next step, and trust it's all unfolding just as it should....because it is. Always.

This will help you with ANY decision you need to make...

This will help you with ANY decision you need to make...

The advice I’m about to share will help you with ANY big decision you ever need to make.

I have (more times that I can count) waited until the final hours to invest in something that I was calling to me. In fact, most recently, I waited until after the sale had closed for a program I was really, really interested in, and I just happened to be lucky enough to still have the checkout process go through. (I do not suggest doing this -- there was major anxiety involved.)

The funny thing is, I’m not usually a procrastinator. I plan months (even years!) ahead, write my blog posts several weeks in advance and always finish my projects well before the deadline. But, there’s something about investing in myself that leaves me in indecision land.

And, it’s the indecision that’s so very painful. Thinking there’s a “right” or a “wrong” way to go. That it’s a “make it” or “break it” sort of thing.

This is what is holding you back…

This is what is holding you back…

If you’re anything like me when I was first starting my business, you’ve got a loooong list of things you’d like to improve or get better at.

For me, I remember wishing I had more clients, more consistent income, and a clearer sense of what I should be focusing on (and what was just a waste of time). But, I totally lacked the clarity about how to make any of those things happen in a sustainable way.

I remember how excited I would be when I first would have a new idea for my business, and then once I actually started working on the idea and reality would set in (that it wasn’t as big, bold and brilliant as I initially thought), that enthusiasm and sparkle would soon be replaced by worry, stress and doubt.

It was a constant cycle of wishing for improvement, trying to improve and then beating myself up for not “improving” enough. It was exhausting.