how to

How I Made $23K in 23 Days in my Coaching Business...and you can too!

This is something I've never done before...

I realized that I always appreciate when other women entrepreneurs get real and give a glimpse into their businesses (talking money and behind-the-scenes systems). But, up until now I haven't done that.

Today, we're changing that!

In the last 23 days, I brought in $23,000 in business, and I want to share with you the steps I took in hope of inspiring you to recognize that ANYTHING is possible and that you, too, can achieve magnificent results like this. I believe inyou!

So, here goes...

:: First and most importantly, I BELIEVED that I could! Ok, so I know thateveryone says this, but it's true. Until you really and truly believe that you are worth it, the money just won't show up in a big way. The right mindset is essential. #MindsetReset

:: I didn't try to do it alone - I hired a FB ads expert, a VA, a coach, and a house cleaner. You know how people say you need to "spend money to make money", well I didn't really understand that until I did it. I could go on and on about how it works, but what I would suggest instead is giving it a try. Try outsourcing something small and see how it frees up your time to play bigger. You'll become addicted :-)

:: I set goals but didn't obsess about them or how they would come to pass - I put them out there but didn't cling (desperation never brings in money I've found). I know this is really, really hard, but we cannot cling to how things must play out. I noticed that I was often doing this with how clients should find me. Once I let go of them needing to come to me in a certain way, so many more people expressed interest from all different places! So cool.

:: I took action! I did everything in my power to bring in new business and clients. I ran events and challenges, offered free coaching sessions, sent personal emails, posted in FB groups, took calls, made calls and followed up! Action is a must. You need to do the work to get the results. Plain and simple.

:: I celebrated every win, from people booking consultation calls or offering compliments to enrolling new, amazing clients. Celebrate and express gratitude! Champagne was opened more than once :-)

:: I priced my offerings at a value that felt really, really good to me. A value I know I can deliver on and speak about clearly and confidently. When it comes down to it, our businesses are an exchange of value (money) for value (your services/products), and that needs to match up. If you're charging too little or too much the right clients won't find you.

:: I took a big step and invested in myself (through my coach) and my business (FB ads, VA) knowing it would come back many times over, and boy-oh-boy it did! I moved forward with the faith that investing in things I believe in would pay off. That belief turned into new ways of thinking and then eventually new ways of acting and behaving.

If you have any questions or want to know more about how you can apply what I did to your business, respond to this email or set up a time to discuss it in more detail here. I'll be totally transparent about this process with you!

#Truthbomb: Results like this don't happen overnight. There's a lot of time, effort, trial and error that goes into it. But, it's not out of your reach, especially if you have someone in your corner who can show you the ropes.

I want BIG wins like this for you! Whether that be getting your first client, raising your rates, or having your first $1K, $6K or $10K month.

If you're ready to stop waiting for success to "find you" and want to take the reigns in your own hands and MAKE IT HAPPEN, I am here to help you do just that.

Clarity Confession with Laura Dos Santos of She Oms

Confession: “It took me a lot less time than I expected for my business to be profitable. You always hear it takes 3 or 5 years, but because I invested in a team of support right off the bat, She Oms was profitable much, much sooner.” - Laura Dos Santos, founder of She Oms
Laura is a branding expert for wellness warriors and spirit supporters who has nearly a decade of experience in marketing and branding. She married her corporate experience and passion for yoga and the healing arts and founded She Oms where she and her team teach entrepreneurs how to show up confidently and courageously as brands.
During her Clarity Confession, she reveals her formula for success -- surrounding herself with a team to help her achieve her mission of empowering female-preneurs to deliver their brands to the world. Without that support from the get-go, Laura admits she would not have the business she has today. (Definitely a valuable lesson for us solopreneurs who think we can do it all ourselves!)
In this month’s Clarity Confession, Laura took the hot seat and held nothing back.
Watch to learn…
  • The 3 Shared Traits of ALL Successful Brands - and how you can build them into yours
  • Why Laura's rise to entrepreneurial success was easier and more rapid than she expected (and how yours can be too)
  • The mindset shift you need to make in order to harness the flow of abundance
  • How Laura schedules her days for maximum productivity (and why she NEVER answers the phone on Mondays)
  • How to win Laura's $200 Digital Branding Course - All You Need is Brand - for FREE
To enter for a chance to win Laura's awesome course, All You Need is Brand, be sure to watch until the end to learn how to enter. Trust me, you're gonna want in on this.
Check out Laura's Clarity Confession below.
Tweetworthy: You NEED to own your success. No caveats or apologies. That's how you tap into abundance @SheOMs via @CailenAscher
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. Wanna say "hi" to Laura? (You should! She's really cool.) You can find her at

4 Steps to Rewrite Your Rules

Did you ever have an ah-ha moment so profound that it felt like your hold world was suddenly snapped into focus?
As if before you were looking at the world through foggy goggles, and now suddenly you have perfect, 20-20 vision?
That's what happened to me when I was challenged in a training by a Success Coach to define my money rules. At first, I thought to myself, I don't really have money rules.
But then, as I sat with that question, my rules began to float to the surface...
I'm bad with money. You can't afford that. I don't like thinking about money and finances. It's hard to make money. It's challenging to find clients that are willing to pay. This will never be successful.
We ALL have rules for ourselves -- rules for our personal lives, businesses, relationships, health, spirituality, and even our personality. I could never do/say/accomplish that!
Our "rules" are the stories that we tell ourselves over and over and over again. The things we condition ourselves to believe and therefore act out and expect in our lives.
Some of these rules are conscious. Many are unconscious.
But, here's the kicker that'll bust your world wide open with possibilities.
YOU define your rules.
Throughout our lives, we gather these rules from parents, family, friends, school, society. And, I have no doubt that many of the rules you have in place for yourself serve you well. I'm guessing you have a certain standard of health and happiness that you've come to expect in your life, and since you're able to be here with me now, things are all-around pretty good.
But, I also know that if you're here with me, you're desiring something bigger, better and more profound from this one life you've got. You want to change, not only your own life, but the lives of others. You want to make a lasting mark, leave the world better than you found it and enjoy a life of success and abundance.
If your dream life is still just that, a dream. Something needs changing...and it starts with your RULES.
We honor our rules, live by them, play them out every day. For better or worse, they create our lives. So, why not define your rules in a way that starts drawing more of what you do want into your life?
We say that we're "stuck in a rut" for a reason. We're trapped in a deep groove we've cut into our subconscious through the constant repetition of a limiting rule!
So, if you want to escape that groove and get out of your rut, you have to fill it in with new rules, new ways of thinking and moving through the world.
At first it might feel like a lie or a joke, but as you redefine your rules and repeat them to yourself, they'll become your new norm. You'll start acting, thinking and speaking in accordance with your NEW rules, and your life will take shape around them.
Today, I challenge you to rewrite your rules!
STEP 1 - Define an area of your life where you're longing for change. An area where you feel stuck.
STEP 2 - Write down your current rules. The limiting story lines and beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
STEP 3 - Write down your NEW rules. (It often helps to create your new rules in direct opposition of your previous rules. For example, if you've been saying "I'll never lose these 10 pounds because I hate working out", create a new rule such as "I feel fitter and lighter every day because I LOVE moving my body!".)
STEP 4 - Repeat them DAILY! Write them on post-it notes and put them around your home, use them as bookmarks, phone backgrounds and journal about them. Surround yourself with your new rules. Start LIVING them every day. Make them your new norm.
This works. It takes time, but it works. I promise.
If you're ready to stop living small from a place of fear, worry and lack and start claiming the life your desire and deserve, this is where to start. Redefine your rules so they're in alignment with where you want to go, and you'll be setting yourself on course to get there!

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Feeling Lonely? Find Your Business Best Friends!

The whole time I’ve been working on this post, I’ve been singing that oldies song in my head, Only the Lonely by Roy Orbison.
(Though I’m not-quite-30, I grew up listening to late 50s & early 60s music because of my parents. My husband is always shocked that I seem to know the words to ANY oldies tune that pops up on Pandora.)
So, in case you’re too young or unfamiliar, this particular ditty goes like this…
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah) Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah) Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah) Know this feeling ain't right (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Let’s be honest here, being an entrepreneur can be super lonely.
There are times when it feels like no one understands what you’re trying to do, and even well-intentioned people sometimes ask (or allude to), “When are you going to get a real job?”
It can feel like it’s you against the world -- or at least you alone in the world -- but I can assure you (because of the number of amazing purpose-driven entrepreneurs whom I’m lucky enough to have hanging with me here), you are NOT alone.
There are thousands and thousands of people out there with passion and drive and vision, just like you, who are working hard to turn their dream into a real, viable business. And they “get it”. They know how hard it can be to work on your budding business day-after-day without seeing any big results and how much of a challenge it can be to (try to) balance family and work. You NEED people like that in your life.
But, how do you find and connect with them?
Disclaimer time. This IS NOT about forming false friendships with hopes of affiliate sales and perks. What I’m talking about here is forming real, lasting relationships with some business best friends that you can turn to for advice, support and honest feedback. People that get you and KNOW you will succeed (even when you’re questioning it).
If that sounds good, let’s continue...
This month I sat down with one of my business BFFs (who also happens to be my beautiful and talented sister!) to talk about how she’s found and fostered relationships with business friends as she’s grown her business, The Baby Maven.
If you’re feeling lonely, isolated and misunderstood as you solopreneur it day-after-day, this one’s for you.
Watch the interview below.

Before we wrap this up, I’ll say it again: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
There is an entire community of like-minded business owners right here where you can find support, encouragement, feedback, and yes, a few business BFFs too!
And, I’m here for you too, as is my lovely, gifted sister.
Want to hang with Hannah? You should! She's awesome. (FYI - If you’re a mamapreneur with little ones or a mama-to-be, you NEED Han in your life. She’s the reason my little girl has been sleeping through the night since 4 months old :-)
Check out her Website & grab the 8 Ways to Up Your Parenting Game tip sheet! Facebook: The Baby Maven Twitter: @HannahBabyMaven Pinterest: HannahBabyMaven Google+: The Baby Maven Email:
Want to win a Biz BFF date on me? Post the date and location (in-person or online) of your next Business BFF date in the Facebook Group and you'll be instantly entered to win some moolah towards date #2. (You'll find more details on FB and also at the end of the vid.)
Don’t solopreneur it any longer! Find some business best friends HERE.
xoxo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM


Spread the word + make some friends! Click to tweet this out: You NEED people that "get you" in order to succeed!  #BusinessBFFs #solopreneur #onlythelonely