
Find The People That "Get You"

We need people that “get us” in life and in business.
People that understand what it takes to show up day and day to build a business out of nothing. To follow your dream. To ride the highs and the lows, and keep coming back for more. It takes a special kind of person to live the entrepreneurial life, and not everyone gets it.
Well-meaning friends ask you when you’re going to get a “real job”. You catch an eye-roll when you mention you’re building an online business. These people aren’t trying to poo-poo your lifelong dream, they just don’t get it. Plain and simple.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, frustrating and overwhelming without people in your corner to give you support, bounce your ideas off of and share the highs (and the lows).
I can say without a doubt that I never would have stuck with it this long if not for the support of my husband, parents, sister and business friends. They all have the entrepreneurial gene, and they believe in me even when I stop believing in myself. We ALL need people like that. We DESERVE people like that.
If you don’t have an Inner Circle of support yet, that’s OK. That’s something we can work together to fix. Just remember, if you’re feeling like a lonely-preneur, you can bet that hundreds - heck, thousands - of others are feeling the same way too. You just have to know where to find them!
Let’s work together to build your Inner Circle of business best friends!
Creativity cannot happen in a vacuum - devoid of contact, interaction and support. And, you cannot be your best self, professionally or personally, without a business best friend or two. You need them and they need you.
Now, you just need to find them!
Click HERE to cultivate your Inner Circle + discover the 6 Best Places to Find Business BFFs.
sign-up for find your business BFFs 2
If you’re ready to feel a part of something as you grow your purpose-full business, if you want to collaborate, connect and build real relationships with like-minded, powerhouse women, join me.
My mission is to connect entrepreneurial, purpose-driven women with one another so that we can, collectively, rise up and change the world as only we can.
love + admiration,

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P.S. I'm planning a fabulous LIVE event in 2016 that will include delicious food, well-mixed cocktails, life-changing teachings + business BFFs. If that sounds like your jam, get on the waitlist HERE.

Feeling Lonely? Find Your Business Best Friends!

The whole time I’ve been working on this post, I’ve been singing that oldies song in my head, Only the Lonely by Roy Orbison.
(Though I’m not-quite-30, I grew up listening to late 50s & early 60s music because of my parents. My husband is always shocked that I seem to know the words to ANY oldies tune that pops up on Pandora.)
So, in case you’re too young or unfamiliar, this particular ditty goes like this…
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah) Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah) Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah) Know this feeling ain't right (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Let’s be honest here, being an entrepreneur can be super lonely.
There are times when it feels like no one understands what you’re trying to do, and even well-intentioned people sometimes ask (or allude to), “When are you going to get a real job?”
It can feel like it’s you against the world -- or at least you alone in the world -- but I can assure you (because of the number of amazing purpose-driven entrepreneurs whom I’m lucky enough to have hanging with me here), you are NOT alone.
There are thousands and thousands of people out there with passion and drive and vision, just like you, who are working hard to turn their dream into a real, viable business. And they “get it”. They know how hard it can be to work on your budding business day-after-day without seeing any big results and how much of a challenge it can be to (try to) balance family and work. You NEED people like that in your life.
But, how do you find and connect with them?
Disclaimer time. This IS NOT about forming false friendships with hopes of affiliate sales and perks. What I’m talking about here is forming real, lasting relationships with some business best friends that you can turn to for advice, support and honest feedback. People that get you and KNOW you will succeed (even when you’re questioning it).
If that sounds good, let’s continue...
This month I sat down with one of my business BFFs (who also happens to be my beautiful and talented sister!) to talk about how she’s found and fostered relationships with business friends as she’s grown her business, The Baby Maven.
If you’re feeling lonely, isolated and misunderstood as you solopreneur it day-after-day, this one’s for you.
Watch the interview below.

Before we wrap this up, I’ll say it again: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
There is an entire community of like-minded business owners right here where you can find support, encouragement, feedback, and yes, a few business BFFs too!
And, I’m here for you too, as is my lovely, gifted sister.
Want to hang with Hannah? You should! She's awesome. (FYI - If you’re a mamapreneur with little ones or a mama-to-be, you NEED Han in your life. She’s the reason my little girl has been sleeping through the night since 4 months old :-)
Check out her Website & grab the 8 Ways to Up Your Parenting Game tip sheet! Facebook: The Baby Maven Twitter: @HannahBabyMaven Pinterest: HannahBabyMaven Google+: The Baby Maven Email:
Want to win a Biz BFF date on me? Post the date and location (in-person or online) of your next Business BFF date in the Facebook Group and you'll be instantly entered to win some moolah towards date #2. (You'll find more details on FB and also at the end of the vid.)
Don’t solopreneur it any longer! Find some business best friends HERE.
xoxo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM


Spread the word + make some friends! Click to tweet this out: You NEED people that "get you" in order to succeed!  #BusinessBFFs #solopreneur #onlythelonely


4 ways to use social media for your yoga business

"do i really need to use social media for my yoga business?"
i get asked variations of this question a lot.
and my response is this:
no, you don't need to do anything that doesn't feel right and authentic as you build your business, but there are a number of benefits to leveraging the power of our modern social culture as you develop your yoga brand.
(1) it gives you a place to "hang" with your students outside of the studio
(2) it enables you to connect with students (and potential students) in the way they prefer
(3) it allows you to share your yoga knowledge & help your students deepen their practices off-the-mat
(4) it's FUN!
in today's video i'm sharing 4 ways that you can use social media to connect with more students and grow your yoga community.
watch it now & then get busy!

what social media platform is your fave for your biz & why?

share it in the comments below!!





how to befriend yoga "big shots"

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 2.44.23 PM ever hear the saying you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with?

well, that's a very important piece of advice to keep in mind -- especially when you're trying to grow your yoga business.

if you don't surround yourself with people that are motivational, uplifting, helpful and who believe in you and what you're trying to build, you're going to have a rough time.  not just because you won't have the support you need, but because if you don't surround yourself with people who believe in possibilities, you're in for a major prana drain.

that's why one of the best things you can do for your budding yoga business is to befriend yoga "big shots" -- teachers and mindful entrepreneurs who are a few steps ahead of you on the path to yoga biz success who can lead the way, offer guidance, and help you avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

if the idea of reaching out to people has you shivering in your boots, i've got some "how to" advice that i hope will help!

1. get on their radar.

if you're hoping to meet or collaborate with someone, you have to first get on their radar.  how else will they know you exist, right?  i know it may seem scary to send an email to someone who you idolize, but the more you do it, the easier and easier it will become!  my advice, make a list of all the awesome yoga teachers, life coaches, heart-centered professionals, and biz mentors you'd LOVE to have in your corner, and then pick 5 to send a short, sweet email to.  you may hear back, you may not, but celebrate the fact that you did something outside of your comfort zone!  and then, email 5 new people the following month!

2. it's about quality, not quantity.

when it comes to networking with "big shots", remember it's more important to have quality connections than a large quantity of connections.  when you send your emails, you may only hear back from 1 or 2 people -- and that's OK.  your business is teaching yoga, not managing a network of email correspondence!  cultivate relationships with those you do hear back from by sharing valuable information and advice, interesting blog posts, and offering to help them with projects that they have going on that you're interested in.

3. be pleasantly persistent.

this advice comes from marie forleo, one of my marketing+biz teachers.  she extolls being pleasantly persistent when trying to foster real relationships with "big shots".  if there's someone you really, really, really want to connect with.  it's totally OK to email them a few times over the course of a couple months.  sometimes a little extra persistence is the very thing they need to see to realize that you're serious about your yoga biz.

4. speak on their level.

in all your correspondence with "big shots", speak on their level.  do not write or talk as a "fan".  fans always want something, peers do not.  speak as a fellow professional.  it's totally fine to compliment them on the good work they're doing, but don't make yourself sound small or insignificant or unworthy in the process.  write as you would to a friend.

5. don't reinvent the wheel.

after sending out your first batch of emails to "big shots", check out which ones got responses.  how were they worded?  how long were they?  (tip: generally the shorter and the more to-the-point, the better)  what did you lead in with?  was it formal or casual?  once you see what style of email elicits the greatest response use it as a template for all future introductory emails to save yourself time!

don't know where to start when it comes to emailing "big shots"?  in my upcoming course, Become a Yoga Brand, i include several email templates taken from actual emails i've sent that have elicited positive responses that you can use for networking, getting interviewed, pitching ideas, and more!!!  sign-up now to hear more about the Become a Yoga Brand course & you'll gain FREE access to my BYB Speaker Series to learn from some awesomely successful yoga "big shots".


do you have any tips for how to befriend yoga "big shots"? if so, please share them in the comments below!