Find The People That "Get You"

We need people that “get us” in life and in business.
People that understand what it takes to show up day and day to build a business out of nothing. To follow your dream. To ride the highs and the lows, and keep coming back for more. It takes a special kind of person to live the entrepreneurial life, and not everyone gets it.
Well-meaning friends ask you when you’re going to get a “real job”. You catch an eye-roll when you mention you’re building an online business. These people aren’t trying to poo-poo your lifelong dream, they just don’t get it. Plain and simple.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, frustrating and overwhelming without people in your corner to give you support, bounce your ideas off of and share the highs (and the lows).
I can say without a doubt that I never would have stuck with it this long if not for the support of my husband, parents, sister and business friends. They all have the entrepreneurial gene, and they believe in me even when I stop believing in myself. We ALL need people like that. We DESERVE people like that.
If you don’t have an Inner Circle of support yet, that’s OK. That’s something we can work together to fix. Just remember, if you’re feeling like a lonely-preneur, you can bet that hundreds - heck, thousands - of others are feeling the same way too. You just have to know where to find them!
Let’s work together to build your Inner Circle of business best friends!
Creativity cannot happen in a vacuum - devoid of contact, interaction and support. And, you cannot be your best self, professionally or personally, without a business best friend or two. You need them and they need you.
Now, you just need to find them!
Click HERE to cultivate your Inner Circle + discover the 6 Best Places to Find Business BFFs.
sign-up for find your business BFFs 2
If you’re ready to feel a part of something as you grow your purpose-full business, if you want to collaborate, connect and build real relationships with like-minded, powerhouse women, join me.
My mission is to connect entrepreneurial, purpose-driven women with one another so that we can, collectively, rise up and change the world as only we can.
love + admiration,

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P.S. I'm planning a fabulous LIVE event in 2016 that will include delicious food, well-mixed cocktails, life-changing teachings + business BFFs. If that sounds like your jam, get on the waitlist HERE.