I’m sure you’ve felt it. There’s been a shift -- and you are a part of it.
It’s no longer about scare tactics and hard-selling to make a buck.
It’s about giving, being of service and offering value.
Trust me, I’m all about this evolution. I am this evolution. It completely resonates with me.
But, it can feel a little woo-woo. A tad hard to grasp. And, dare I say it, how will this approach affect my bottom line?
I find myself saying YES to expanding my wealth consciousness, YES to studying the law of attraction, YES when Danielle LaPorte says life is about feeling the way you want to feel, and then I’m hit with....
...how do I find clients, make money, get the work done, market myself effectively?
How does all this feel-good belief move me forward with some organization and strategy? How do I build my empire without some tangible plans?
Your beliefs become your thoughts, and your thoughts become your actions.
Or, to put it even more simply…
Beliefs → Thoughts → Actions
Our core beliefs around money, finances, abundance (or lack thereof) inform our thoughts. And, since about 98% of our daily thoughts are on auto-pilot and the same ones appear again and again, when our beliefs center on lack, scarcity, worry and “not enough” our thought playlist is mighty grim.
Then the actions we take reflect that anxiety. We pinch pennies, stress about bills, don’t take the chance, don’t make the call, don’t put ourselves “out there”.
On the other hand, if we start planting new beliefs about money and abundance in our fertile minds, we can begin to incrementally expand our wealth consciousness and open ourselves up to new opportunities.
We feel more open, full of potential. We make the pitch, make the call, start the business, ask for what we’re worth and believe we are worth it.
Wealth consciousness isn’t magic. It’s cause and effect.
Your beliefs and thoughts result in corresponding actions (or inaction) that deliver certain results. Plain and simple.
If you want to receive new/different/transformed/bigger/happier/better results, you need to start planting new beliefs.
Our beliefs have an ever-expanding ripple effect, like when you drop a small stone in a calm body of water. That one small action has repercussions that travel outward exponentially.
Drop the small stone. It’s time. You are ready.
As a jumping off point, I’ll leave you with this...
What do you believe about money/wealth/being rich/rich people/abundance?
What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis because of those beliefs?
What actions are you taking because of those beliefs and thoughts?
What is a NEW money belief that you’re ready to live starting now?
I can guarantee that every single person reading this message has, at some point in their life, struggled with money.
Now, let me clarify, struggling with money doesn’t necessary mean you were broke, couldn’t pay your bills or filed for bankruptcy.
Struggling could be as simple as thinking…
“I shouldn’t buy that...it’s too much money”.
“It’s so hard to make money.”
“I have to worry about money.”
We all have, at one point or another, struggled with limiting thoughts about money. It’s inevitable because money is something that we have to interact with on a daily basis. It’s part of the deal.
And since we’re human and fear is also part of the deal, fearful thoughts in and around money will pop up from time to time. That’s ok. It’s normal. Take a deep breath. Your occasional limiting money thoughts aren’t sending an undesired beacon out into the universe calling for more of the same.
It’s when the majority of our beliefs and thoughts about money are laden with stress, fear and anxiety that it’s time for a money mindset reset.
You see, when all of our energy around money is focused on pinching pennies, obsessing about our budget (or lack thereof), or stuck in anxious/worried mode, THAT is what we get more of.
What we focus on e x p a n d s.
If we focus on lack, we see/feel/experience more lack.
If we focus on abundance, we see/feel/experience more abundance.
If we focus on red cars, we see/feel/experience more red cars! (Seriously, try it.)
We can never create the opposite of what we focus on.
Let’s say you’re hoping to feel affluent, but every interaction you have with money is riddled with stress, affluence is not going to find its way to you. Sorry.
Just like if you want to experience more self-love and body confidence, you can’t berate yourself with negative self-talk to get there.
The journey has to align with the destination.
If feeling generous, abundant and at ease with money is where you want to end up, you must start incorporating more generosity, abundance and ease into your life RIGHT NOW.
And, not necessarily in big, bold (scary) ways that are totally out of your comfort zone. Baby steps are just fine.
Treat a friend to coffee. Take a deep breath when a bill arrives. Say a quick “thank you” for the unexpected $20 you found in an old purse. Treat yourself to a coffee with it :-)
Mr. Money-worry believes that it’s hard to make money. He tells himself that he should be super frugal and hang on to as much of it as he can. He pinches pennies, stays at his safe (but low-paying) job and complains about how expensive things are to his friends, which they bond over.
Scenario #2 - Ms. Money-maven
Ms. Money-maven believes that money is a stand-in for what we value. She tells herself that if she continuously and generously adds value to the world, she’ll be continuously and generously compensated. With this belief, she cuts back to part-time hours at her safe (low-paying) job and starts to dedicate more and more hours to building her dream business. She KNOWS that it will be successful because she’s consistently adding value.
Do you see how their core belief about money informed everything else?
Do you see how their belief resulted in the actions (or lack thereof) they took?
Now, I have to ask…
What do YOU believe about money?
With love,
P.S. Right now, I’m reading an interesting book called How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold. It contrasts how most people think about money with how wealthy people think about money. It’s a worthwhile read if wealth consciousness is an area of your personal development you’re focusing on. Want to read along with me? Join the #ClarityBookClub here.
I promised you last week that I would share more details of my favorite meditation with you.
This is the meditation I do nearly every morning, and it has had a profound impact on me personally and professionally. Some benefits being...feeling all-around happier, more grounded, and more successful, as well as feeling aligned with my creativity, innate potential and purpose.
In short, it’s a winner.
As a pre-holiday gift for you, I want to share this practice which has been so meaningful and transformative for me.
I’ve recorded a version of this meditation for you to enjoy. It’s only 8 minutes in length and will leave you feeling calm, clear and confident in your abilities to become the very best version of yourself both professionally and personally.
The holiday season is officially underway. (For me it’s ushered in with Santa arriving at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade :-)
For many of us, myself included, this time of year requests that weput a little more focus, time and energy into our personal lives -- connecting with family, friends, attending celebrations and planning gatherings -- and give our CEO brains permission to slow down a bit.
This is an important time to remember there’s an ebb and flow to life. And, I'm here to tell you that it’s OK to put more emphasis on loved ones this time of year and give yourself time off and away from your business. It’s actually vital to your peace of mind, success and happiness. Otherwise, the holiday season just feels like a long list of to-dos piled onto your already busy schedule.
But, if we instead embrace this season as an opportunity to find harmony (not necessarily balance!) between our lives and businesses, we can emerge on the other side in 2016 feeling replenished and reconnected instead of frazzled and exhausted.
The reason I say harmony and not balance is that harmony encompasses the ebb and flow. It encourages us to move in response to our lives and not harden in rigidity against it.
If you want to make this holiday season the most fulfilling one yet, I suggest that you make time to be with loved ones, make time for yourself and make time for gratitude for all the good things 2015 brought you. (Do that, and the business will take care of itself!)
In honor of the season of giving, I have three things that you should give to yourself.
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.
This book will change your life if you let it.
In it, Hendricks explains that we all have a threshold for feeling good, and when we hit that limit in any area of our life (work, relationship, etc.), we have a way of self-sabotaging in order to bring us down into our “comfort zone”.
If you want to feel good on a daily basis and increase your capacity for abundance, success and love in all directions, this is a must-read. If you’re a personal development junkie like me, this book has to find its way to your nightstand!
Order a copy as a little pre-holiday gift for yourself. (You can thank me later :-)
I meditated daily for nearly 2 years up until my daughter was born last October. When she arrived, I gave myself permission to take a break (because it was feeling like another to-do for a tired new mama). But, now that she’s over a year old, I’ve recommitted to my practice, and it honestly feels better than ever.
The first time I sat on my cushion after my hiatus, it felt like coming home. In the dark morning quiet I sat, following my inhales and exhales and then completed a future self meditation (one of my favorites). Before I knew it, over 20 minutes had passed (it felt like mere minutes), and I decided then and there that meditation had to be reintegrated into my life.
If you’ve ever tried or considered meditation, but haven’t yet committed to it, I urge you to consider giving yourself this gift. We all need time to center, reconnect with ourselves and just be without the pressures and stresses of daily life infiltrating our mind space. Meditation can give you that. And, if you’re able to sit in the morning (which I highly recommend), it will change your outlook and thoughts for the entire day!
Plus, I've noticed that EVERY successful, inspiring person I admire meditates. Every single one. There's got to be something to that, right?!
When you meditate regularly, you’ll start to function from a place of possibility and hope rather than stress or lack, and you’ll feel more like yourself. You'll be clearer in your efforts, more focused in your life and business and feel more positive about all areas of your life. It's really remarkable.
Next week, I’m going to share more details of my favorite meditation with you, but until then, I recommend that you carve out at least 5 minutes each day to sit in a quiet spot and enjoy your calm, steady breath.
Your Highest Potential.
2016 is just around the corner, and every new year is a time for goal setting, self-reflection and big picture thinking. It’s a time to look forward and devise a plan for attaining your highest goals and aligning with your highest self.
If you’re ready to bring your best self to the forefront and live each day (professionally and personally) in alignment with your fullest potential, I would love to work with you in the new year.
My clients are amazing. They are passionate, driven, inspiring women who I am honored to know and coach. They have BIG dreams for their lives, and they do everything in their power to make those visions come to life -- and they do!
Everything you imagine is possible. You were given those dreams within you for a reason. They are yours to pursue; to pull you toward your fullest potential and highest self.
If there’s a fire in you that is ready play bigger and burn brighter, capitalize on it! Fires don’t last forever -- they eventually burn out. Realize that fire within you is telling you it’s time to step up, claim the success you desire and deserve, and live in the fullness of who you are every single day.
Feeling ready to do that?
Let’s set up a time to chat about how we can make that happen for you in 2016! Give yourself the gift of living your fullest potential in the new year and every year thereafter. Click HERE to schedule a complimentary consultation.
You are brilliant, amazing and talented. I know that! Now, say that to yourself and feel it in your body. Live with that knowledge every day, and know it’s the truth!
In this season of giving, be as kind and generous to yourself as you are to others. You deserve it my friend.