
how to deal when you're "not where you should be" in your life+biz

this past weekend, my husband and i (and our baby daughter) visited with friends at their gorgeous, fully remodeled home.
as we chatted and exchanged new parent stories, there was a little voice in the back of my head saying "omgosh -- this place is huge! and they have a brand new kitchen! what did they think when they visited our place mid-renovation a few months back?"
i was simultaneously happy for them and also a little jealous, coveting the "posh" lifestyle they seemed to be living, marble countertops and all.
to top it all off, the thing that has afforded them this fortune is an entrepreneurial venture gone very, very right. and somehow that was a little like salt in the wound. and the nagging voice in my head went on to question, "what am i doing wrong that i'm not 'killing' it in my biz?"
as human beings on planet earth, we're confronted with situations like this every day...
the yogi on the next mat who is gracefully holding a pose that you can't even fathom getting into.
the mom at the playground who is perfectly coiffed and effortlessly handling her polite children as yours run rampant.
the entrepreneur who seems to have it all figured out as you struggle to make ends meet.
but, the truth is, we NEVER know anyone's full story. even those we're closest to have countless things that they're dealing with that we're totally unaware of.
when we gaze in from the outside, everything looks perfectly in place -- rose colored. but if we dig a little deeper, we realize that everyone has "stuff" they're dealing with.
everyone has bad days, weeks or even months. and, if you look really closely, i'm guessing you wouldn't trade places with anyone, not even if they have new designer furniture in every room.
in this week's teaching, i'm sharing 4 strategies that'll help you deal with that uncomfortable restlessness that arises when you find yourself thinking "i'm not where i should be in my life+biz".

is this something that you deal with or have dealt with in the past? share your experience in the comments below. i LOVE hearing from you + ready everything you write!



how to change your biz karma for the better

do you ever get stuck in a "not-enough" mindset?
i know i definitely pass through down-in-the-dumps-ville every once in a while. it's inevitable when you're a solo-entrepreneur!
if you ever beat yourself up for not be further along in your career, think that there's not enough to go around, or simply feel like your biz is a constant struggle, i wanna share some biz karma-shifting habits that'll help pull you outta that funk.
watch this week's vid, and then put these habits & mindset shifts into play so you can enjoy more ease & abundance in your yoga career asap.

what biz karma shift are you excited about making?

share it in the comments below!


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biz: how paying-it-forward can build your yoga community

if you want to be seen as the go-to yoga teacher in your community, niche, or studio, you have to foster relationships -- real relationships with people like your students, potential students, fellow teachers, and even yoga "big shots".  and, one of the easiest and best ways to network and build up a yoga community around your unique "yoga brand" is to pay-it-forward.

so, what does that mean exactly?

paying-it-forward is about connecting with people.  it's about offering people something they need with no strings attached.  it's about trusting in karma and what-goes-around-comes-around, and passing along things of value to the people that could benefit the most from it.

this could take shape in a number of ways...

  1. just finished an awesome book about marketing your yoga biz? buy a copy for another teacher that you think would benefit from it.
  2. read an interesting article about yoga and back pain relief? send it to that student who has chronic back issues.
  3. watched a great yoga video on youtube? pass it along to a friend who would also enjoy it.
  4. found a great yoga blog? reach out to the author and tell them you like what they're saying, send them a link to another yoga blog they might not know about.

this concept may not seem like much, but every little step you take to connect with your target market (i.e. your ideal students) and also with the other people that are serving them, the stronger the foundation for your yoga biz gets.  every connection you make is like another brick being added, and if you reach out to these people consistently and authentically, you'll find that you develop real relationships that open up doors for you.

how has this worked for me?

i've used this pay-it-forward technique to connect with fellow business coaches and marketing gurus who also serve the yoga community.  in our communication, i always made it clear that i wanted to help them; offering feedback, advice, and even helping to market their offerings.

now, many of those same people have reached out to me, asking to interview me for their audiences, offering me affiliate sales, and even asking me to speak to their community.

what goes around, comes around.  what are you putting out there?...

YOUR CHALLENGE: the next time you read a great blog post (like this one...wink, wink), see an inspiring youtube video, or come across a cool website with tons of valuable information -- pass it along to someone else who also could benefit from what you've found.  practice this consistently, and you'll soon begin to see how it opens doors for you in unexpected and wonderful ways!

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