3 Questions to Help You Do LESS & Achieve MORE

3 Questions to Help You Do LESS & Achieve MORE

I just got back from a fantastic long weekend at the beach. Though this mini-vaca was mostly to enjoy the fresh air, sand and sunshine with my family, I did squeeze in just a few (fun!) business to-dos. (Like an awesome photoshoot for my soon-to-be-released new website! I’ve included a few pics below for you to check out.)

After a very busy May running my group program, working 1x1 with my on-going clients, creating my first self-study program, Money Clarity, and writing a chapter for a book that I’m a contributor for, I was really needed a little break -- not because I was totally burnt out, but because I was so excited and ramped up!

Give Your Business a Clarity Boost!

In case you haven’t heard, this week only I’m offering you a Business Clarity Boost.
How exactly?
Well, I’ve teamed up with four other business-building experts, and we’ve put together an amazing toolkit of resources that will help you find lasting business clarity...and it’s totally free.
BCB - Hands with iPhone
BCB - Hands with iPhone

Inside #BusinessClarityBoost you’ll find $400 worth of FREE resources, such as…

  • Sales Clarity: Master the Art of Confident, Feel-Goods Sales Conversations with Cailen Ascher (value $75)
  • 5 Q.U.I.C.K. Steps for Find + Hire Your Dream Virtual Assistant with VK the VA (value $100)
  • The Confident Ladies Workbook Bundle from Kate Crocco (value $75)
  • Design + Find Your Ideal Client Video Training with Taylor Manning (value $50)
  • Become Visible + Build Your Brand with Ariel Frey (value $100)

The only catch is that Business Clarity Boost is ending on Friday, May 20th. So, if you want to claim these gifts for yourself, here’s what you need to do ASAP...

Register HERE for instant access, and then load up on all the awesome freebies that are yours for the enjoying inside. That’s it! Super simple.

Sending you so much love,

What Business Are You REALLY In?

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I’ve got an interesting question for you.
When I first started to consider it, it got me really excited and gave me even greater clarity about my WHY.
So, here it is for you...
What business are you really in?
At first, you might feel compelled to respond with…
“I’m a coach / entrepreneur / small business owner / creative / yoga teacher / artist / mentor”
But, I’m challenging you to unpack it more.
Get underneath all the layers.
Behind your title, under your business model, inside your brand, what’s there?
What is it that you -- and ONLY YOU -- are offering to the world?
That, my dear, is where the TRUTH of the TRUTH lies. The bud of the bud (I’m channeling e.e. cummings here, can you tell?).
That is your essence, your soul’s purpose, your reason for being on this planet.
Now, that may sound like a lot of weight to put on one little question, but I encourage you to play around with this. Allow it to draw goodness out of you as you think about it. Don’t let it weigh you down, that’s not the point!
Toss it around. Mull it over. Savor the first thought that pops into your mind.
Want to know what business I am really in? Beneath it all?
Here goes…
I’m in the business of Inspired Clarity.
To flesh it out a bit more...
I deliver + evoke clarity that leads to inspired action.
When that hit me, everything seemed so simple. So clear.
When everything comes back to that one kernel of truth, it simplifies the whole deal. (I love simplification, ease and CLARITY, so this felt great to me!)
It was as if I had a new lens through which to look at my business + life and everything made more sense.
If everything I do, create, say, offer, build, develop, or teach has that underlying message, I’m good. I’m on track. I’m doing it. Cool.
Now, it’s your turn, my friend. Inquiry always brings clarity <3 
[Tweet "Inquiry always brings clarity via @cailenascher http://calmbiz.com/what-business-are-you-really-in/"]
What business are you REALLY in?
Ask yourself and see what comes up. Trust what comes up. Love what comes up.
Then, share it here. 
With love,

I'm a recovering perfectionist.

Hi. I'm Cailen, and I’m a recovering perfectionist.
Recovering in the sense that it’s my still my default mode, but I’m shining consciousness on it, creating space around it, and loosening my perfectionist death-grip. (Ugh. If I could only be better at letting go! That's a perfectionist joke.)
Perfectionism is rigid. Hard. Cold. It feels like an ever-tightening grip. A breath held.
The opposite?
An exhale. Warmth. Softening. Flexibility. Support.
Why does asking for the support we need feel so unnatural?
Maybe because we were told (by society, school, friends, family, whoever) to be well-rounded. To push through. To do it ourselves. To pay our dues. To figure it out. To check all the boxes...
You need to know how to boil an egg, do long division, change a tire.
You need to know how to conduct a sales call, run a launch, build a 6-figure empire in 6 months.
If not, you're behind. If not, you're failing.
We’ve been told that success is the result of hard work, dedication and a linear path. That asking for help is a sign of weakness. And that focusing purely on what we love -- our strengths -- and letting someone else handle the rest/help us/guide us/be with us is lazy.
I’m done with doing it all myself.
I’m done with pretending I can handle it all.
I’m done with trying to be/do everything.
Doing that was exhausting. Doing that was stripping away my innate power.
Here's my Truth: I’d rather be masterful than a jack-of-all-trades. (click to tweet if it's your truth, too.)
So what does that mean? What does my life need to become in order to pursue mastery instead of mediocrity?
It means focusing on what I’m really, really good at and what I really, really love. Those are the guideposts. Not metrics. Not data. Not someone else's advice.
It means being real. With you, with my family, with myself. And, handing-off the rest to people who can do it better. (If someone else can do it better, let them.)
It means allowing myself to be supported. Giving myself permission to outsource. Building a team.
Danielle LaPorte puts it this way, “What would your life be like if you only did what was easy?
Not lazy easy where you cut corners and do things half-assed. Quality easy where you focus on your gifts, talents and strengths and seek the necessary support to make the rest of it happen.
Inviting support into your life is Quality easy with a capital Q.
If the idea of letting go. Of asking for help. Of getting the support you need feels like a foreign concept, I’m guessing it’s because YOU are the support for so many others.
How would it feel to allow the tides to turn? How would it feel to invite more comforting, luxurious, divine support into your life? And, what would it look like anyhow?
Support can come in all shapes and sizes. Start small if this feels new and unknown. Or go BIG because why not.
Listen to what your heart/intuition/inner guide is asking for. Acknowledge what you’re ready to let go of. I mean, like, look it right in the eyes.
Take the leap, and land in the soft, warm, welcoming arms of the support that you need.
You’re home.
To get things rolling. Here are a few ways support can come into your life...
Ask for it Voice what you no longer need Accept an offer Share the responsibility Team up Say yes Say no Find a mentor Unburden on a friend Join a mastermind Hire help Turn to your inner guide Outsource tasks Ask for divine guidance Exhale...again...and again
Or, get some here.
With love, always,