I Made $12,600 While On Vacation, Here’s How...

I Made $12,600 While On Vacation, Here’s How...

I really like it when other successful women entrepreneurs are completely transparent about their businesses, so, with that in mind, I wanted to share with you what it really took for me to bring in over $12,000 while on vacation last month.

Oh, and just so you know, I did this without complicated sales funnels or complex email marketing campaigns. It simply involved sending a handful of personal emails and a few phone conversations. That’s it!

To give you a bit more context, this weeklong vacation took place the end of last month, and I did do a little bit of work while on vacation -- for maybe a total of 5 hours, if that.

But, bringing in 5-figures while enjoying the beach, going out to dinner with my husband and relaxing with my family, wasn’t just “luck”, it happened for a reason. There was plan behind it, and because of that, it means that you can replicate results like this for yourself.

Here’s a look at what it REALLY took to bring in $12,600 while on vacation...

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients, colleagues, friends and family is how I manage to work just 3 days a week (about 20 hours total) and still have a thriving Clarity Coaching business that continues to grow and bring in 5-figures in a month.

So, I figured it was time to lift the veil and give you a peek at my weekly schedule so that you can see exactly where and how I spend my time in (and outside of) my business during my condensed workweek.

I always find it really helpful when other successful women share how they’re able to accomplish all that they do -- it’s not only inspiring, but it also offers invaluable insights as to how to better leverage your time for maximum impact and growth. 

My goal is to not only show you what’s possible for you and your business but to give you actionable steps that you can take (starting right now!) to get yourself there.

You see, success isn’t something that “finds us if we’re lucky”, success is something that you draw to yourself through your Vision, Mindset and Plan of inspired, feel-good action.

If you’re ready to stop wishing and hoping for your dream lifestyle and business to “find you” and want to do something about making it happen for yourself, I’ve got something you’re going to LOVE.

This will help you with ANY decision you need to make...

This will help you with ANY decision you need to make...

The advice I’m about to share will help you with ANY big decision you ever need to make.

I have (more times that I can count) waited until the final hours to invest in something that I was calling to me. In fact, most recently, I waited until after the sale had closed for a program I was really, really interested in, and I just happened to be lucky enough to still have the checkout process go through. (I do not suggest doing this -- there was major anxiety involved.)

The funny thing is, I’m not usually a procrastinator. I plan months (even years!) ahead, write my blog posts several weeks in advance and always finish my projects well before the deadline. But, there’s something about investing in myself that leaves me in indecision land.

And, it’s the indecision that’s so very painful. Thinking there’s a “right” or a “wrong” way to go. That it’s a “make it” or “break it” sort of thing.

6 Things That DIDN’T Work When Building My Business

6 Things That DIDN’T Work When Building My Business

There is a lot of work that goes into building, running and growing a successful, feel-good business. Believe me, I know. I’ve been on an 8 year entrepreneurial journey to where I am today in my business.

I’ll admit, I’ve done a lot of things right -- things that saved me time, delivered BIG wins and resulted in amazing business growth (I’ll be sharing those next week!) -- but I also did a lot of stuff that didn’t work so well. Things that slowed me down, wasted my time and had little (or negative) impact on my business.

We’re often only told what we should be doing. We get item after item that we need to add to our business “to-do” list.

Today, I’m going to share with you the 6 things that DIDN’T work when building my business...