work-life balance

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

How to Work 3 Days a Week & Have 5-Figure Months

One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients, colleagues, friends and family is how I manage to work just 3 days a week (about 20 hours total) and still have a thriving Clarity Coaching business that continues to grow and bring in 5-figures in a month.

So, I figured it was time to lift the veil and give you a peek at my weekly schedule so that you can see exactly where and how I spend my time in (and outside of) my business during my condensed workweek.

I always find it really helpful when other successful women share how they’re able to accomplish all that they do -- it’s not only inspiring, but it also offers invaluable insights as to how to better leverage your time for maximum impact and growth. 

My goal is to not only show you what’s possible for you and your business but to give you actionable steps that you can take (starting right now!) to get yourself there.

You see, success isn’t something that “finds us if we’re lucky”, success is something that you draw to yourself through your Vision, Mindset and Plan of inspired, feel-good action.

If you’re ready to stop wishing and hoping for your dream lifestyle and business to “find you” and want to do something about making it happen for yourself, I’ve got something you’re going to LOVE.

Clarity Confession with Jessica Durivage

Confession: “I used to be a workaholic. I worked long days, feeling like I was being productive, but in reality I was just spinning. Now, I work just 15 hours a week and am getting more done, and my business is doing better than ever!” - Jessica Durivage, founder of Where Is My Guru
Jessica is a business buddy of mine. She’s up to amazing things in the world -- like starting an online “university” dedicated to well-living and self-improvement -- but the clarity that she has now was not always there.
During her Clarity Confession, she candidly shares that she used to be a burnt-out, overworked and overwhelmed business builder. She wasn’t focused, didn’t have a business structure that was bringing in money, and didn’t feel like she was making the difference that she knew she could make in the world.
Fast-forward to today. Her work is all about service and helping people live beautiful, meaningful lives, and as she puts it, she finally feels aligned with her purpose.
In this month’s inaugural Clarity Confession, Jessica took the hot seat and held nothing back.
Tune in to learn…
  • What her first 5 years in business REALLY looked like (trust me, this is a truth that NO ONE tells you)
  • How she’s able to work just 15 hours a week and still grow her business
  • The lifestyle movement she’s embraced that has enabled her to find more time, ease and enjoyment in her life and business
  • What keeps her grounded and present in order to show up as her best self
Watch Jessica’s Clarity Confession below.
Plus, Jessica’s offering an amazing gift to one lucky viewer. Watch until the end to learn how to enter for your chance to win free admission to a Where Is My Guru online course. There are several amazing ones to choose from!
Tweetworthy: I choose to work to live, not live to work. @whereismyguru @CailenAscher #ClarityConfession #truthbomb
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. You can hang with Jessica HERE & check out the super cool things she's up to (and pick out the course you'd want to take if you win free admission!)

Work-Life Balance...what balance??!!

As I write this post, I’m sitting on my back porch still in my yoga clothes. It’s 9:44am. My daughter is napping. The work day has officially begun (even though a shower never happened).

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My day started at 4:50am. Brush teeth, wash face, pack my gym/yoga bag. (On Tuesdays I teach a 6am Vinyasa yoga class.) Grab some trail mix, my water bottle and head out.
Teach class, more trail mix, read Dream Year on the elliptical, do some free weights, pick up veggies at the farmers market, back home to officially start the work day (after cuddling with Leona).
It’s not even 9am, and the entrepreneurial dance has already begun. Does reading business books at the gym count as “work” or “me-time”? Does teaching my yoga class count as “professional” because I get paid or is it “personal” because I enjoy it so much?
My days are always some version of this back-and-forth between wife, mom and entrepreneur. I’m used to it by now. I’ve never had a typical 9-to-5. I live the dance every day.
For years, my work week has been a hybrid of working-laundry-working-running errands-working-prep dinner-working-yoga-working (and now you can throw breastfeeding into the mix).
On the best of days it feels like a (mostly effortless) dance. On the worst days it feels blurry. Confusing, stressful and like I’m not 100% present no matter where I am.
When you’re an entrepreneur, this is what life is like. It’s a blending of personal and professional in order to build a lifestyle that you love. Hmmm...a lifestyle that you love. Is this love??...
But, let’s be honest here, the lifestyle of an entrepreneur isn’t always glamorous, fun or easy. Far from it. It’s hard, takes A LOT of dedication, and rarely looks like what we imagined when we first started our businesses.
Sometimes having a “lifestyle” business is the very thing that leaves us feeling the most frazzled! It leaves us asking, “Where does work end and life begin?”
If you aren’t enjoying your life (at least a little) then what’s the point of building this business anyhow? The whole point of creating a business you love is to enjoy a life you love! Stop putting that on hold for “someday”.
In this week’s lesson, I’m sharing my 4 favorite strategies for balancing work & life so that you can start living the good life NOW.

How’s your work/life “balance” treating you? What do you struggle with most? Or, if you have another tip that I didn’t cover in the video, please share in the comments below! I love learning from you.
xo, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.57.56 AM
P.S. Wanna connect with fellow purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself? Meet the people that "get you" HERE.



6 essentials for a healthy workspace

as a yogi, i think about my health & well-being a lot.
i can't help it -- i think it kinda gets programmed in when you sign-up for your 200 hrs :-)
i prioritize what i feed myself, how (and how much) i move my body, i try to build some me-time into my day for reading, meditation and/or relaxation (yoga nidra, anyone?), and i, of course, encourage my students to seek balance and well-being in their own lives.
but, there is another space in our lives that also benefits from being healthy -- but we don't always pay it much mind.
our workspaces.
as a solo-preneur, having a healthy workspace that is conducive to creativity and productivity is essential for my sanity and overall well-being.
when my workspace is cluttered, disorganized or interrupted, i know that it wreaks havoc on both me AND my business.
but, if you work-from-home how do you maintain a healthy workspace that also encourages work+life balance?
here's a little glimpse at my top 6 essentials for a healthy, happy and productive workspace -- i hope they can work for you too!

what's one of your essentials for a healthy workspace? share it in the comments below!

p.s. i discovered this cool company for solo-preneurs called WeWork. they maintain gorgeous communal workspaces so that you can be with people + get your work done. kinda cool if you find the whole work-from-home thing a little too lonely sometimes.