if you're trying to build a fun, fulfilling & sustainable yoga business but ALSO have a full- or part-time job, it can feel like you're burning the candle at both ends.
you have a burning desire to craft a career that you love, but after a day's work you're left feeling too mentally and physically exhausted to think about doing anything for your business -- let alone for yourself.
sound familiar?
for many of yoga-entrepreneurs, we have a boatload of responsibilities that extend far beyond class-planning.
not only do we have our yoga businesses to think about, but often there are also full- or part-time jobs, kids, household responsibilities, errands, social commitments, and family priorities to consider.
with our never-ending to-dos lists greeting us every morning, it's no wonder we sometimes feel like staying in bed all day.
so, the question is: how do you make progress with your dream business if life leaves you feeling exhausted?
well, i have a 3 step formula to share with you that will help you overcome the exhaustion and once again find the time (and motivation!) to work on your budding business.
check out today's vid to get the inside scoop!
what step do you struggle with the most?
share your insight in the comments below -- i LOVE hearing from you!