biz: essentials steps to build your yoga biz

are you feeling unclear about what to do now that you've completed teacher training?if you're a new teacher, fresh out of teacher training, it can be a little overwhelming knowing the first steps to take as a yoga professional.  but, if want yoga to be your business, not just your hobby, there are a few things you should consider -- all of which helped me to land my first clients and get my first teaching job :-)

1. build a resume -- yes, even yogis need resumes.  highlight your trainings and experience -- having an organized, professional resume will instantly put you ahead of the competition.

2. get insurance -- i know, getting insurance sounds daunting and expensive (it's neither, by the way).  most studios and gyms ask if you have it, and if you're thinking about teaching for companies, at schools, or in private homes, it's a must!

3. be social -- get online!  the web is the ultimate equalizer, so even if you're new, but have an awesome facebook page, blog, or website, you'll be taken more seriously.  plus, it will give your students (and future students) a way to connect with you!  have you ever googled a restaurant only to find it had no website, and therefore decided not to go?  'nuff said.

with a little time, and very little money, you can easily start building a foundation for your yoga biz today -- and begin living your passion!!!

if you want more yoga biz advice, check out -- or, if you have a suggestion about what biz or social media topic you'd like to learn more about, send me your ideas at


yogi: 5 yoga poses to boost your mood!

me doing "wild thing" -- wild make my heart sing...

earlier this week, i was featured on fit bottomed girls' blog.  this fabulously popular blog features stories and practical advice about living a fit, happy and healthy life. the ladies behind the blog tackle everything from workout reviews, to the latest fitness fashion, to the tastiest protein bars -- all of which is delivered with style and sass.

to check out the blog and yoga video that i created for them -- 5 yoga poses to boost your mood -- click {here}!

smile :-)


yogi: why set an intention?

if you've ever wondered why you're encouraged to set an intention or dedication at the beginning of your yoga practice, wonder no more.  watch my 2 minute video that will clear up any confusion :-)


just do it (a deck building realization)

this past weekend my husband, craig, and i, along with the much-needed help of my father-in-law and my parents, added a deck onto our cottage.  we have over an acre of land, and love spending time outside with our little dog, olive, but we didn't really have an outdoor space that we could enjoy.  so, after a few years of talking about it, we finally planned it, got our zoning permit and broke ground.

it's funny how we put things off that we know we will enjoy.  (sure, it took a weekend and about $700 in materials to make our 18 ft by 12 ft deck come together, but the enjoyment we'll get out of it is truly priceless.)  so, why do we put off things that will ultimately bring us more happiness and enjoyment?  perhaps we're waiting for the "right time" or for the moment when our to-do list is done, but unfortunately, those moments never arrive -- they are forever in the future.

there's a lot of truth to nike's slogan...just do it.  if there's something you've been putting off (it doesn't have to be as grandiose as a weekend-long deck building project) put it on your calendar.  schedule yourself a manicure, go to a yoga class or plan lunch with a friend you haven't seen in a while.  replenish yourself instead of depleting yourself.  put as much energy into the things you love as you do your responsibilities.

olive enjoying the deck

isn't she adorable?!!

so, what are you going to do that will increase the joy in your life?...
