yogi: where is my guru?

 everyday, i get google alerts sent to my inbox that let me know about the latest, greatest, and coolest yoga stuff that's going on around the globe.  so, i figured i would pass along to you, my fellow yogis, some of the more worth-while finds that i come across as i peruse the ever-growing world wide web.

credit {here}

the find of today?...where is my guru

need some inspiration?  (who doesn't, right?!)  check out where is my guru -- it's a podcast radio show for yogis held live every friday (or you can listen to the recordings later).  they interview rock star yogis and other inspirational people on topics like wellness, spirituality, mindful business practices for yoga-people, and more!  it's definitely worth a listen :-)

namaste :-)


foodie: easy, fresh tomato sauce

once again, i brought home a bushel (well, not an actual bushel -- but close!) of gorgeous, delicious tomatoes from our csa.  so, i decided to make...drum roll please...simple tomato sauce!  fresh tomato sauce is so delicious, and surprisingly simple to make.  since tomato season is in full swing, head to the farmers market, stock up, and then treat yourself to some outstanding, homemade sauce.

here's what you'll need for sauce for 4...

2 roma tomatoes, chopped
10 plum tomatoes, chopped
(or roughly 3.5 cups of tomatoes total)
4-5 garlic cloves, crushed and roughly chopped
2 shallots, minced
1 small green pepper, chopped (optional)
1/4 cup fresh herbs (i used basil and parsley)
2 tbsp olive oil

1. saute the shallots, green pepper, and garlic in the bottom of a sauce pot in olive oil, until veggies are tender and caramelized.

2. as the veggies cook, chop the tomatoes, and put them in a strainer in the sink so the excess water can drain off.

3. add tomatoes, herbs, and salt (it'll take more salt than you'd think) to the veggies in the sauce pot, and simmer on low for 30 min or so.

that's it!

we enjoyed ours over brown rice with chickpeas for a gluten-free meal, but it would be fantastic over pasta or roasted veggies, too!

enjoy :-)


biz: essentials steps to build your yoga biz

are you feeling unclear about what to do now that you've completed teacher training?if you're a new teacher, fresh out of teacher training, it can be a little overwhelming knowing the first steps to take as a yoga professional.  but, if want yoga to be your business, not just your hobby, there are a few things you should consider -- all of which helped me to land my first clients and get my first teaching job :-)

1. build a resume -- yes, even yogis need resumes.  highlight your trainings and experience -- having an organized, professional resume will instantly put you ahead of the competition.

2. get insurance -- i know, getting insurance sounds daunting and expensive (it's neither, by the way).  most studios and gyms ask if you have it, and if you're thinking about teaching for companies, at schools, or in private homes, it's a must!

3. be social -- get online!  the web is the ultimate equalizer, so even if you're new, but have an awesome facebook page, blog, or website, you'll be taken more seriously.  plus, it will give your students (and future students) a way to connect with you!  have you ever googled a restaurant only to find it had no website, and therefore decided not to go?  'nuff said.

with a little time, and very little money, you can easily start building a foundation for your yoga biz today -- and begin living your passion!!!

if you want more yoga biz advice, check out www.CALMbiz.org -- or, if you have a suggestion about what biz or social media topic you'd like to learn more about, send me your ideas at cailenascher@gmail.com.


yogi: 5 yoga poses to boost your mood!

me doing "wild thing" -- wild thing...you make my heart sing...

earlier this week, i was featured on fit bottomed girls' blog.  this fabulously popular blog features stories and practical advice about living a fit, happy and healthy life. the ladies behind the blog tackle everything from workout reviews, to the latest fitness fashion, to the tastiest protein bars -- all of which is delivered with style and sass.

to check out the blog and yoga video that i created for them -- 5 yoga poses to boost your mood -- click {here}!

smile :-)
