lifestyle advice

business blunders: steps to take after you fall on your face

i had planned it to a "T".
the curriculum was outlined, the worksheets made, the timeline set, the marketing in place -- it was PERFECT!
and, then i let it fly...and it totally flopped.
the program that i thought was going to be a big hit was a total bomb. i was bummed.
how could something that i put so much time, effort and heart into totally tank?!
it happens to the best of us. we produce something we're super proud of and it's greeted by crickets.
and, when that happens, it's easy to beat ourselves up, think we're not good enough or that we'll never "make it".
but the truth is, the most successful people fail the most! they just keep getting up and trying again...and again...and again.
in today's CALM biz vid, i share the 3 steps you should take after a business blunder in order to regain your momentum and confidence.

i LOVE hearing from you!

in the comments, share a time when something you put a lot of time into flopped. what did you do? please share your insight so that we can learn from one another.

when to say NO to a business opportunity

are you a "yes" machine?
do you nod your head agreeably to every opportunity that comes your way?
well, that may not be the best thing for your business (or your sanity)!
we've all been there. we're super jazzed about our business & everything seems sparkly. so, we say "yes" to nearly every opportunity that presents itself.
yes, i'll take over that class.
yes, i'll help you plan that workshop.
yes, i'll sub for you while you're gone.
yes, i'll take you on as a private client.
if you feel like you're stuck in a place of "yes", it's time to put a little distance between between you and the "y" word.
before you agree to take on another project, run it through my little test which I'm sharing in today's video.
in it, i outline 4 criteria that any new business undertaking should meet BEFORE you say "yes".

now, i want to hear from you!

in the comments below share a time when you said "yes" to something and regretted it, or "no" to something and LOVED it!

how to deal with jealousy

we've all been there.
we look at someone who [appears to] have it all & we feel it...that ugly pang of jealousy.
and, because we're yogis, we're even harder on ourselves when we experience it.
"this feeling isn't yogic"..."i know better than to be jealous"..."i shouldn't be feeling this way"
but, the truth is, we're all just human, and jealousy, just like any emotion, is part of the deal.
there is a silver lining, however.
jealousy doesn't have to be just a one-sided, negative emotion that we hide -- it can actually fuel us to be better!
if you want to learn how to cope with those pesky feelings of jealousy whenever they creep into your life+biz, check out the video below. in it i share 3 simple strategies to transform jealousy into something that'll help you grow for the better!

i LOVE hearing from you!

in the comments below, share a time when you felt jealous of someone else, and how you transformed it for the better.

4 tips to maintain your yoga practice AFTER you start teaching

it's a common occurrence.
we fall in love with yoga. we take 3, 5 maybe even 7 classes a week. we can't get enough!
we love it so much & it's changed our lives so profoundly that we decide to teach. we devote 200+ hours to obtaining our certification and then we start sharing what we love -- yoga.
we take on more classes and more classes and more clients until we realize that what drew us in in the first place -- our personal practice -- is suffering or non-existent.
well, there's no need to fret. i have 4 simple tips that'll help you restore & maintain your yoga practice after you start teaching!
check out the vid below, and then incorporate any (or all!) of the tips i've shared in order to restore some much-needed yoga to your life.

now, i want to hear from you!

has your personal practice suffered or changed since you started teaching? what did you do?