website essentials

biz: 3 website essentials for yoga teachers

there's no doubt about it, websites can be overwhelming. they require some degree of tech-savvy, sometimes seem to have a mind of their own, and require constant upkeep!

that said, oftentimes we're focusing too much on the little things (i.e. changing the font size or color).  or, we try to tackle too much website maintenance at once, and that leaves us frustrated and feeling like we just want to give up.

in this video, i share the 3 ESSENTIAL things (yes, just 3!) that will deliver the most bang for your proverbial website buck.

check 'em out & let me know what you think!

are you coming?!
sign up for my FREE yoga biz video training just for yoga teachers -- this 3 part video training is awesome and will cover some other essentials you need to have in place in order to have a successful and lasting yoga career.