
all you need is THIS to alleviate mental chaos

do you often feel like you're being pulled in a thousand different directions? and, even when you're working on one task, your mind is ticking through the countless other things you still need to get done?
being in a state of mental chaos (to put it bluntly) sucks.
it's tiring, frustrating and no matter how much you accomplish, it feels like you didn't get quite enough done.
if what i'm talking about here is something you live with or even just deal with occasionally, please know that this is not a "given" state of being for entrepreneurs. just because you may wear 20 different hats as a yogic business owner, doesn't mean you need to feel like you also have 20 different heads all competing for your attention!
but, as with all things, problems don't present themselves with solutions. and, luckily, i have one for you today that'll help you alleviate the mental chaos that's weighing on your mind.
in order to combat mental chaos, you need to have organization!
it makes perfect sense, actually. when your closet is a mess and weighing on your mind, you clear out the clutter, neatly stack your sweaters, line up your shoes and feel 1000% better. same goes for your biz!
today i'm sharing 4 organizational strategies that i personally use to get a handle on my business to-dos and prevent mental chaos from setting in. check out the vid now.

which strategy did you find the most helpful? share it in the comments below!



4 tips to prevent burnout

between teaching yoga, family responsibilities, chores, to-dos, social obligations, work priorities, and trying to build a yoga biz, it's no wonder we're getting burnt out. if you feel like you're burning the candle at both ends, and feeling completely depleted in the process, i want to help -- cause i've been there!

i know first hand that it takes a lot of planning & dedication to build a thriving business while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.  but, it's hard not to let yourself get swept up into the fast-paced whirlwind that can be our lives.

and that's precisely why i created today's video.  it's for anyone who feels burnt out, depleted, tired, and wishes they had some easy ways to again achieve a harmonious lifestyle.  in it, i share 4 tips to help you eliminate burnout, be more productive & give yourself a little love in the process!

i sincerely hope today's video teaching will help you if you're feeling bogged down by all of life's to-dos.  and, if it does, let me know which tip in particular you found most helpful in the comments below!



biz: overcome overwhelm in life & work (2 min video)

when life and work have you stalled, it can feel like there's no solution but to give in.  if you feel overwhelmed and stressed by your responsibilities, or the sheer amount of "to-dos" on your list, watch this short (2 min) video with a simple trick that will help you to overcome overwhelm.  it may not be easy, but the more you practice it, the easier it gets...just like yoga :-)

for more CALM biz video tips click here



yogi: stop the stress cycle today with this easy trick!

chances are, you've experienced stress in your life.  (i know i have!)  whether it's work-related, home-related, or otherwise, stress plagues everybody from time to time.  and a little stress here and there is no biggie, but if your stress is persistent, keeps you from being productive, and seeps into your downtime, it's time for a change. for me, rushing and stress go hand in hand.  when i'm stressed, i rush.  and when i rush, i'm stressed.  and thus, the stress-cycle is perpetuated.  but i recently read something in yoga journal that got me thinking -- "am i rushing because i'm under stress, or am i under stress because i'm rushing?"  hmmmm.....

stress, oftentimes, feels like it's out of our control -- it's "put upon us" by our bosses, our spouses, our families -- but, the rushing (or the sense of needing to rush), i can get a handle on.

if in those moments when i can feel stress compounding and the urgency to rush sets in, if i instead, stop, take a deep breath (or two), and slow down, the stress and rushing subsides.  instead of tackling the stress (mental), tackle the rushing (physical) -- and you will notice that your mind and mental state respond to your bodies actions.  if you act calm, you'll become calm -- simple as that!

the next time you're feeling stressed and rushing around -- SLOW DOWN and breathe.  and just notice if you feel better -- i bet you will!

namaste, cailen
