Have you heard of The Desire Map? I'm working my way through it right now and LOVING it. (I've been talking about it to everyone who will listen -- so, I guess now it's your turn :-)
It's a fantastic book (and workbook) by the soulful and brilliant Danielle LaPorte. In it, she teaches the importance of identifying our Core Desired Feelings, which are the underlying feelings that we seek out again and again in life, love and business.
They are the driving force (consciously or subconsciously) behind nearly all of what we do/think/say/want at any given moment.
So let's peel the layers back a little more...
Danielle explains that the reason we set goals for ourselves is for the feeling that we think we'll have when we reach them. We push, strive, and strain to attain our goal so that we can then feel capable, joyous, alive, expansive or whatever else it is that we're after.
The Desire Map turns traditional goal-setting on its ear. Instead of hoping the goal will deliver the feeling, Danielle says to let the feeling you want to feel give birth to the goal.
So, instead of setting rigid goals like get 2,000 email subscribers, make $75K in my business, land 4 speaking gigs, etc. etc. etc., she suggests setting "Goals with Soul". (I love that, don't you?!)
Here's what a few Goals with Soul could look like...
*Reach as many people as possible with my life-affirming, soul-stirring message.
*Start writing my book.
*Leave space in my life for inspiration, and ACT on it when it arrives!
Ahhh...don't they just feel better?!
Then, Danielle recommends that we seek out, on a daily basis, all the ways (small and big) that we can start feeling good right now. 'Cause isn't feeling good the point anyhow?!
Want to feel connected?
Maybe that means a lunch date with a friend you haven't seen in a while. Setting up a mastermind with fellow purpose-driven entrepreneurs (You can find them in our Facebook Group!). Or, sitting at the dinner table with your family instead of eating in front of the TV.
Want to feel radiant?
Maybe that means wearing red lipstick (like I'm doing right now!). Putting on a cute skirt and your favorite earrings, instead of wearing the usual yoga pants. Or indulging in a massage or mani-pedi.
Want to feel inspired?
Maybe that means reading The Desire Map! Brainstorming new offerings for your business. Or, going to a museum to be in the presence of beauty and creativity.
Instead of putting feeling good on hold for when the goal is reached, why not do something today, tomorrow, next week and next month that makes you feel good right now! Cool concept, right?!
I invite you to play with this concept. (That's what I've been doing, and it feels ahhh-mazing!) Instead of living and dying by your rigid, make-it-or-break-it goals, maybe seek to simply FEEL GOOD on a daily basis, and let your goals and intentions unfurl from there.
Just a thought. Hope it helps!
Because, more than anything, what I want for you is simply that you feel good each and every day.
Have you read (or are you reading) The Desire Map? Join the discussion in our Facebook Group with the hashtag #ClarityBookClub. We've been talking about this awesome book all month long, and I'd love to know what your Core Desired Feelings are!
Here are mine:
E x p a n s i v e