I'm making a bold proclamation today, to you before anyone else, and saying that I'm going to make 2016 my BEST year yet -- in business, in life, in love.
When we make bold proclamations, it sets things in motion. Unseen things that start to move in accordance with our desires and visions. But, we first have to be so brave as to say (out loud, on paper, in type) that which we desire!
Before I share, I first want to set the tone with one of my favorite quotes: "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
OK, here goes...
I'm going to offer my gifts unapologetically.
I'm going to strive for nothing less than the best I can deliver (and when I say this, I'm not talking about perfection, I'm talking about authenticity.)
I'm going to relax into my innate power and ease into the flow of life, rather than fight the current.
I'm going to align with the vivid vision I have for my life and business, and allow it to pull me forward.
I'm going to let go of obsessing about things that are beyond my control, don't matter or don't enhance my life.
I'm going to do more of what I love and attach less to the outcome.
I'm going to be more me and less who I think I should be.
I'm going to breathe, feel, and enjoy MORE.
I'm going to stress, push and harden less (and not beat myself up when I inevitably slip up.)
I'm going to do more things that sounds like fun in my life and business.
I'm going to honor creative ideas when they arrive in my life.
I'm going to smile more, kiss my husband more, hug my baby girl more, and laugh more.
And, I'm going to do my best to live each day in devotion to my purpose.
Now, it's your turn :-)
I invite you to join me in making a bold proclamation for yourself. In community with the other amazing, purpose-driven women in our private Facebook group, share one thing you're going to do (or stop doing!) in 2016 to make it YOUR best year yet. Make your bold proclamation HERE with #boldnesshasmagicinit.
This day, this month, this year is the start of a bold, brilliant new chapter, and I'm delighted to have YOU along for this unbelievable journey which has brought us together.
In case you're wondering, the title of this post was inspired by two things:
(1) The book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, by Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love -- recently finished reading it. LOVED it. (Fun Fact: EG lives not far from me and has a quirky shop filled with a unique gifts and global finds.)
(2) The Vivid Vision Workbook + Audio Guide which will enable you to craft a deep, fulfilling, aligned vision for your life and business that will PULL you forward this year. Get your copy here.
Here's to BIG Magic and VIVID Visions, this year and always.
i know i'm getting into resolution-making, goal-setting, vision-board creating mode. are you?
and, that's all well-and-good except for that fact that despite our best intentions, when all is said and done just a measly 8% of us attain the resolutions we set for ourselves each year (statisticbrain.com).
75% of us can maintain our resolution through the first week. yippee!! off to a good start.
64% of us manage to stick with our goals for one month. we're hanging in there...
but, less than half are still on track after 6 months.
so, what does that mean?
it means that a lot of well intentioned, focused people are giving up on their dreams! and i hate to see that.
to help you reach your business dreams in 2015, i've developed a 5 step plan that'll help you identity, quantify and achieve your biz goals for the new year.
first, check out the vid below & then download this worksheet to help you on your way!
if you had to pick one word for this upcoming year, what would it be?
what do you want your life+biz to embody in 2015?
would it be...
at the start of the year, i always like to take time to paint a vision for the next 12 months. something that i can feel, taste, embody and strive for.
then, as i move through my days, weeks and months, i have a touchstone to come back to. something to check in with and see if i'm truly on track with the dreams & visions i hold for myself.
this year, i invite you to challenge yourself to define YOUR word for 2015. (often the first one that pops to mind is a great one to go with!)
once you have your word, you have your focus for your life and business. you have your direction, your lighthouse. just steer in that direction!
check out today's vid & then define YOUR word.
so, what's your word?
share it in the comments below or click here to tweet it out with the #oneword2015.