
Clarity Confession with Hunter Clarke-Fields

Confession: “I started with an email list of 79, now I’m teaching 1000s.” - Hunter Clarke-Fields, Mindfulness Mama Mentor
Hunter Clarke-Fields is one of my mastermind buddies and a superb mindfulness mentor. She coaches smart, accomplished, over-stressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices and is a certified Parent Effectiveness Training instructor. She has taught mindfulness to thousands worldwide.
Simply put, she’s awesome, and I’m so excited to introduce you to her today!
Check out Hunter’s Clarity Confession to learn...
  • The importance of skillful communication
  • Why we are ALL teachers
  • You have to be a conscious consumer
  • The best piece of advice that’s made all the difference in her business
Click the red play button below to listen to Hunter’s Clarity Confession now.If you enjoyed Hunter’s Clarity Confession, you should check out her free guide: 5 Simple Things You Can Do Today to be Less Irritable with Your Child.


With love,

a one-size-fits-all business plan for entrepreneurs

one of the trickiest things about launching a new business is having a clear plan of action. it's so easy to get pulled in different directions by new ideas, other people's advice and things you think you "should" or "shouldn't" be doing.

well, today i'm sharing my one-size-fits-all business plan that'll work for any yoga teacher or heart-centered entrepreneur who is looking for a simple, clear cut action plan to help them grow their community and business, stay on track and make more money :-)

sound good?

listen to the teaching below and then try my 4-step business plan on for size!

now i want to hear from you!

what part of this business plan do you struggle with the most? share it in the comments below!

discover your true purpose in 7 minutes

happy april!

i don't know about you, but i am soooo ready for spring.  the winter's been brutal here in the northeast, and i'm so looking forward to warmer weather, walks outside, buds on the trees, and all the lovely little surprises that spring can bring.

spring is a time of rejuvenation and rebirth, which makes it a FABULOUS time of year to think about how you can breathe some new, fresh life into your yoga career.

if the winter left you dragging your feet or asking yourself "what the heck am i doing with my life?", treat yourself to 7 minutes of calm, contented clarity.

i've put together a short, 7 minute meditation that will put you in touch with your authentic, grounded self so that you can tap into your clarity and find your true purpose -- i.e. that thing you were put here on this earth to do, teach or share that ONLY YOU can deliver to the world!

so, without further ado, find a comfy spot, and enjoy!

 now, share your insights & ah-has in the comments below!!