FREE resources

Happy Holidays + a gift for you :-)

Happy Holidays!

I hope this post finds you well and enjoying a relaxing + replenishing week with loved ones.

This is my favorite time of year. I’m a girl who loves traditions, and this time of year is chock full of them, which suits me just fine :-)

For me the holiday season begins with the preparation of the Thanksgiving meal (while watching the parade, of course), is punctuated with a number of “must-do” traditions (like cookie baking, tree selection & decorating and riding around to look at all the Christmas lights in our PJs), and wraps up with fireside-sitting and goal setting on January 1st with the completely terrible Mummers Parade on in the background (if you’re from the Philadelphia area, you know what this is).

There’s something about the ritual of doing these meaningful and heartfelt traditions year after year that warms my soul in a way that few other things can. I just love it.

More and more in recent years, I’ve come to recognize the importance of rituals in other areas of my life -- my morning meditation, my yoga practice, my evening journaling and reading. 

Those things, similar to the holiday traditions, give me something to come back to, look forward to and count on. They nurture my soul.

With that in mind, I want to invite you to join me for a soul-nurturing start to 2017.

My free Mindset Reset Challenge is starting January 2nd and will offer you 5 days of mini-rituals to help you reset your mindset for true happiness and success on your terms in the new year.

Each day of the challenge you’ll receive a short audio from me and a loving action step to help you “reset” your mindset and embrace self-love and growth. 

Together, we’ll uncover your Mindset Blocks and work to move beyond them so that you can enter into 2017 untethered by your limiting beliefs and ready to expand into your true potential!

This free Mindset Reset Challenge is my holiday gift to you. (I hope you like it!) 

Click here to register for this lovely free event, and you’ll receive more details about it as January 2nd approaches.

P.S. My gift for you this year? 5 days of mini-rituals to help you reset your mindset for happiness and success in 2017. Join the Mindset Reset Challenge here, and we’ll get started January 2nd!

biz: 8 F-R-E-E yoga business+marketing resources

starting a yoga business isn't easy -- but there are plenty of great (and FREE!) tools that certainly make it easier.

one of the beautiful things about starting your own business these days is that there are so many amazing platforms, websites, and social media sites that you can make use of to streamline your marketing, reach your ideal students, and grow your yoga following for little or no money!

the barriers to entry have been removed.  yoga laptop

you no longer need $5k to start a website, $10k to market & advertise, $3k for some decent PR, or a hefty deposit & monthly rent for a studio -- you can do it all yourself & handle 99% of your biz online!

in truth, all you need is to believe in yourself, some stick-t0-it-ness, a lot of heart, and to remember that you're here to make a difference in your own unique and special way!

if you're ready to get serious about making yoga your career -- you've come to the right place!

here is my list of some of the best F-R-E-E business+marketing tools for yoga teachers :-)

  1. Mailchimp - use mailchimp to start a yoga newsletter for your students -- it's a great way to build relationships, grow your yoga community, and establish yourself as a yoga expert
  2. Hootsuite - this platform allows you to manage & schedule ALL of your social media accounts.  if you NEVER remember to update facebook or twitter, you'll love this :-)
  3. Buffer - another great app for social media.  use buffer to stagger & spread out your tweets and posts so that they drip out to your social media sites over time
  4. Wordpress - this is what i built my website on, and what most web designers/programmers use and recommend...AND it's free!  claim your website or blog today on
  5. Facebook Pages - as a yoga teacher, you NEED a facebook page that is separate from your personal account.  a facebook page is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and businesses so that fans, followers, and students have  place to find and connect with you without seeing your personal family pics.
  6. Twitter - even if you're unfamiliar with twitter and how to use it, it's still a good idea to claim your name.  that way, once you get big and famous, and want to start "tweeting", you won't have anyone else out there pretending to be you!
  7. Yoga Trail - yoga trail is a premier & very popular yoga listing site where teachers and studios can create professional profiles so that people searching for yoga instruction in your area can find you.  plus, it's totally free!!!
  8. The Yoga Recipe - this is a totally ingenious new site that i recently found.  there are two ways to make use of the yoga recipe: (1) you can create a "shop" and sell your class plans, sequences, playlists, and more, OR (2) you can shop for them!  the beautiful thing about this site is that it's by yoga teachers, for yoga teachers, and serves the yoga community as a whole!  so cool!
  9. BONUS - my CALM biz newsletter - every week i share practical & actionable biz and marketing advice for yoga teachers with the hope of inspiring you to turn your teaching hobby into a career.  it's totally free to sign-up AND when you do, you'll recieve a copy of my Yoga Biz Essentials e-book as a thank you.

ok, so there you have it.  8 (+BONUS 9th) great marketing+business resources that are totally FREE and fun to use!

check out ONE today, and post a comment below and let me know what you thought about it :-)